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NASA Announces New Mission To Titan, Saturn's Mysterious Moon

Updated Sep 28, 2019, 09:09pm EDT
This article is more than 5 years old.

Credit: NASA / JPL-Caltech / Space Science Institute

NASA’s going to Titan, an exotic Saturn satellite holding methane seas, an organic-rich surface, and tantalizing hints it might harbor life.

The news came Thursday afternoon from the space agency's Washington, D.C. headquarters.

"This revolutionary mission would have been unthinkable just a few short years ago," says NASA administrator Jim Bridenstine.

Heading for Titan is Dragonfly, a robotic rotorcraft from the Johns Hopkins University Applied Physics Laboratory in Laurel, Maryland.

Dragonfly won NASA’s two-year, $1 billion competition over eleven other proposals.

"We are absolutely thrilled," says Elizabeth Turtle, the laboratory's lead investigator.

Credit: Johns Hopkins APL

Credit: Johns Hopkins APL

With today’s announcement, Dragonfly officially becomes the next mission slated for NASA’s New Frontiers program.

The rotorcraft will roam Titan's skies for more than two years, traveling hundreds of kilometers and landing in dozens of locations to sample the alien surface.

“Technically, it’s an octocopter,” says Turtle. “But it’s fine to call it a drone.”

Yet this drone is no backyard toy; it’s roughly the size of a Mars rover.

"But instead of driving, we fly," she says. 

With an atmosphere four times as dense as Earth’s and a surface gravity that’s 85 percent less, Titan is tailor-made for Dragonfly.

“Titan is probably the easiest place in the solar system to fly,” Turtle says. Put on a pair of artificial wings, and “a person could fly on Titan.”

Credit: Johns Hopkins APL

Though discovered in 1655, Titan remains an enigma to astronomers, even after extensive exploration by the Cassini-Huygens spacecraft.

A few things appear certain. As the methane seas flow near Titan's north pole, a vast liquid water ocean roils deep underground. Organic compounds, dropped by Titan's methane-rich clouds, top the dune fields near the equator.

"The organic material just litters the surface," Turtle says. Organics are the building blocks for life on Earth.

No one knows if all that means Titan might have life, either existing or extinct, above ground or below.

But it does have "all the key ingredients for life," says Lori Glaze, director of NASA's Planetary Science Division.

Credit: Johns Hopkins APL

One other thing is certain. Titan's surface is much like the early Earth.

Examine it with Dragonfly, and clues to how life ignites on a world—or fizzles out—may emerge.

That evidence is long-lost on Earth, a geologically dynamic place that wiped out much of its past.

But now, with a lone drone able to fly, land, and linger on a moon 900 million miles away, researchers may ultimately learn “the chemistry that led to the development of life on Earth,” says Turtle.

Though no time soon: Dragonfly, launching in 2026, won't touch down on Titan until 2034.

Understates Turtle: "It can be a challenging process."

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