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Search For E.T. Snags ‘Extraordinarily Exciting’ Bounty From Qualcomm Cofounder

Updated Sep 28, 2019, 05:34pm EDT
This article is more than 4 years old.

Tonight—just like every night—the pursuit of E.T. perseveres in Hat Creek, California.

There, in the midst of the Cascade Mountains, the faint buzz of the Allen Telescope Array hums on a secluded and scrubby field where jackrabbits wander and rattlesnakes roam.

Since 2007, the array’s 42 radio dishes have scanned the skies for signals from alien civilizations. Detecting one is the longest of long shots. So far, nothing suggesting an extraterrestrial intelligence has been found. Here at Hat Creek, a close encounter with a bear seems more likely.

“We are looking for a needle in the proverbial haystack,” says Andrew Siemion of the venerable SETI Institute, the nonprofit that oversees the search.

But finding that otherworldly needle is now slightly less formidable. A $1.2 million gift from Qualcomm cofounder and chief scientist Franklin Antonio will “revitalize” the array, says the Institute.

“This commitment is truly transformative,” says Siemion. “It’s extraordinarily exciting.”

An extraterrestrial signal would land in Hat Creek by way of a radio wave traveling the speed of light (186,000 miles per second). The array’s dishes are antennas; they collect the incoming waves and reflect them to receivers, like a satellite dish on a rooftop.

The receivers amplify the data, then send it to the signal processing system, where everything is scrutinized. Glitches are deleted. The natural noise of the cosmos—space junk—is erased. Earthbound racket is expunged. Even in the middle of nowhere, interference from TV and cell phones can easily camouflage a communication from out there.

Detection is the only goal; decoding comes later if something dramatic is discovered. Says Siemion: “We’re not looking for ‘Hello, how are you.’ We’re looking for an anomaly.”

Deciphering that anomaly—one that’s potentially extraterrestrial—could take years.

“As hard as it is to find a signal,” he says, “decoding the information in it would be much more difficult.”

Antonio’s gift pays for the array’s long-needed upgrades. That includes more sensitive receivers, more staff, and a souped-up signal processing system. All are part of the first phase of a three-year plan. Installation and initial testing of the improvements are underway; observations with the new technology start next year.

“A whole new set of SETI experiments are now possible,” says Siemion.

For instance: Rather than point the array’s 42 dishes to one spot—the old way—SETI scientists will divvy them up. Any arbitrary configuration works. Split the dishes into four groups, see four times as much sky; point all 42 dishes in different directions, and observe 42 times more.

Another endeavor: Fast radio bursts (FRB’s), discovered in 2007. Astronomers have detected dozens of the mysterious pulses, all lasting less than a second. Dozens of theories abound. Are they neutron stars, spurting radiation? Primordial black holes, evaporating? Or maybe extraterrestrials, sending a signal?

“We still have no idea,” says Siemion.

Since 1960, scientists worldwide have conducted SETI surveys. Funding, always problematic, forced most to be brief, sporadic, and relatively cursory. But now we know something unthinkable sixty years ago: our galaxy probably holds hundreds of billions of planets. Some could have life; a tiny few might harbor intelligence, perhaps a technologically-advanced civilization. Says Siemion: “The possible real estate where life could exist elsewhere is truly enormous.”

Then again, so is the scope of the search. But Franklin Antonio’s gift suddenly made space a little smaller.

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