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Long Live The English Major—If It’s Paired With An Industry-Recognized Credential

Updated Nov 21, 2019, 07:49am EST
This article is more than 4 years old.

Amidst plenty of skepticism about the liberal arts and majors such as English, it turns out a tiny shift in context can change everything. Want to know how to sell English as a major? Pair it with an industry-recognized credential and voilà – you have a lean, mean marketing machine.

In a national survey of 2,000 U.S. adults conducted last week, my team at University Partners and Quest Research asked the following question:

Imagine you are a hiring manager for a top employer. Which candidate would you hire among the following recent graduates?

A.     A graduate with a bachelor’s degree in English

B.     A graduate with a bachelor’s degree in English and an industry-recognized designation in cybersecurity

C.      A graduate with a bachelor’s degree in cybersecurity

Here’s how the results played out:

It was a landslide victory for the English major with an industry-recognized credential. U.S. Adults are four times more likely to say they’d hire an English major with a credential over an English major with no credential and they are nearly three times more likely to say they’d hire an English major with a credential over the fast-growing STEM major in cybersecurity.

What does this simple question and its results tell us? It’s not the English major that’s the problem. It’s an industry-recognized skill attached to the English major that’s the opportunity. I’ve long advocated for a rebranding of the term liberal arts. Americans generally and employers more specifically value the elements of a liberal arts degree such as critical thinking and skilled communication. But the words “liberal” and “arts” get in the way as a poor (and poorly understood) branding term against the backdrop of why we value higher education the most: to get a good job. In fact, research has shown that parents would chose “no college at all” ahead of a “liberal arts degree” as the best path to a good job for their child.

Despite all the negativity about liberal arts at the surface level, there continues to be evidence that its underlying value proposition is strong. If it’s combined with an industry-recognized credential. Employers love the blend of general skills such as critical thinking and communication with specific industry-relevant skills. And parents and students are increasingly looking for colleges and universities that provide them with a stronger ROI in the marketplace.

This combination of a student getting both a bachelor’s degree and an industry-recognized credential is what I call a “credegree.” Credegrees will play a major role in the future of higher education, as I’ve written previously. They represent the perfect mix of what students and employers want with the best of what higher education provides. Long live the English major who can both write and code!           

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