Bruce Dorminey

Senior Contributor|Science

I'm a science journalist and host of Cosmic Controversy ( as well as author of "Distant Wanderers: the Search for Planets Beyond the Solar System."  I primarily cover aerospace and astronomy. I’m a former Hong Kong bureau chief for Aviation Week & Space

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221 viewsJun 28, 2024

Why E.T. Will Also Use Calculus, Algebra And Algorithms

A new book gives a surprisingly enlightening history of why math was so crucial to the evolution of technology here on earth.

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41,017 viewsJun 18, 2024

NASA’s Webb Finds Spiral Galaxies Formed Earlier Than Ever Imagined

In a new paper, researchers at the University of Missouri are now touting Webb Space Telescope images that point to the surprising, rapid formation of spiral galaxies.

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1,764 viewsJun 16, 2024

NASA’s Webb Telescope Detects Most Distant Known Carbon In The Cosmos

U.K.-led astronomers have used NASA’s Webb Telescope to detect the most distant known carbon in the cosmos. This could dictate a rethink of cosmic chemical evolution.

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961 viewsJun 13, 2024

Maine Aims To Become Polar Orbit Space Launch Hub

The U.S. State of Maine is hoping to become a hub for the new space industry. A prime aim is to use its DownEast Atlantic coastline to launch small sats into polar orbit.

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3,398 viewsJun 6, 2024

New Paper Shakes Up Current Theories Of Planet Formation

There’s more to solar system formation than previously thought, says new paper. Continual infall of galactic material onto planetary systems is one piece of the puzzle.

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1,319 viewsMay 30, 2024

Our Moon Played Key Role In Allied Victory At Normandy

Precise predictions and measurements of the moon’s impact on earth’s tides played a crucial role in the Allied victory on the beaches of Normandy.

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49,015 viewsMay 28, 2024

NASA’s Asteroid Samples Upend Our Understanding Of Early Solar System

NASA’s sample return mission to the asteroid Bennu is arguably one of the premier scientific achievements of the 21st century. A new book explains why.

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4,658 viewsMay 25, 2024

Astronomers Aim To Look For Terraformed ‘Snowball’ Earths

Astronomers propose looking for the technosignatures of alien civilizations using artificial greenhouse gases to terraform their own planets.

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1,207 viewsMay 18, 2024

How Earth Can Avoid Being Blindsided By Crippling Solar Storms

Solar storms that impact earth usually create beautiful light shows, but they can also wreak havoc on global technology. Here’s how we can mitigate their destructiveness.

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17,475 viewsMay 11, 2024

Despite Global Climate Change, Earth Is Surprisingly Carbon Poor

Despite all the furor over carbon’s role in anthropogenic climate change, this versatile element is altogether rare here on planet Earth.