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Scientists Have Cracked The Mystery Of How Fossil Concretions Form

Updated May 4, 2018, 11:29am EDT
This article is more than 6 years old.

Concretions are fascinating to geologists and rockhounds alike. All over the world, well-preserved fossils and crystals are frequently been found inside these roughly spherical rocks. The Mazon Creek fossil beds in Illinois are famous for the concretions found there, which display well-preserved fossil plants if split apart. The Paraná Basin in South America has concretions containing fossil fish preserved in three dimensions, providingunique snapshots of the past. Some of those fossils even show larger fish swallowing the smaller ones.

David Bressan

Concretions, despite being common in sedimentary rocks, are still a sort of geological mystery. Do dead animals or plants play a role in the formation of concretions, or do concretions simply preserve fossils better as the surrounding rocks? How long do they take to grow? Some documented concretions are more than nine feet in diameter. If they can become so large, what exactly controls their growth and why do they suddenly stop growing (as the sharp contact between a concretion and surrounding rocks suggests)?

David Bressan

Researchers at Nagoya University have analyzed dozens of concretions from three sites across Japan, England and New Zealand. Studying the chemical composition in a transect from the outer layers of a concretion towards the surrounding rocks, the researchers were able to crack some of the open questions. The chemical composition shows also that indeed the fossils play a role in the origin of the concretions. The element calcium, cementing smaller sedimentary particles together and forming the hard, compact matter, comes from the decaying organic remains.

More surprising were the results of the growth rates. Concretions were thought to take hundreds of thousands to millions of years to form. However,  they instead apparently grow at a very fast rate over just several months to several years. This new observation could also explain why the fossils found inside the concretions are so well preserved.

As an animal or plant dies, the remains become embedded in sedimentary layers deposited on the bottom of a lake or of the sea. The decaying organic matter releases calcium, which reacts to form the mineral calcite. The calcite then cements together sand and clay particles. This happens quickly, before the animal or plant decays completely, helping preserve the fossil.

More and more sediment is cemented together over time, forming the hard, compact concretion around the fossil. As soon as the formation of calcite stops, as there is no more enough calcium present in the sediment, also the growth of the concretions suddenly stops, forming a sharp contact between the concretions and the surrounding sediment. Erosion removes the softer sediment, leaving the weathering resistant concretions intact. Finally, a geologist or collector comes along and hoping to make a unique find, will split open the concretion with a hammer.

Interested in reading more? Try:

YOSHIDA, H. et al.82018): Generalized conditions of spherical carbonate concretion formation around decaying organic matter in early diagenesis. Scientific Reports Vol. 8: 1-10