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How To Be The Best Company To Work For

Dr. Krissy Jones, Founder, Trilogy Trust Foundation.

Investing in making your company the best place to work is not just about creating a positive environment; it's a strategic move important for attracting top talent and retaining valuable staff. In today's competitive job market, where skilled professionals have ample choices, a company's reputation as a top employer can serve as a significant differentiator. In my experience, a workplace that prioritizes employee well-being, career growth and recognition is more likely to attract individuals who are not only highly skilled but also deeply committed to their roles.

Moreover, I have found that such investments can lead to higher job satisfaction, fostering a loyal workforce that is less likely to seek opportunities elsewhere. This retention is not merely about reducing turnover; it can also enhance your company's knowledge base and deepen your team's expertise, potentially leading to better business outcomes. By creating an environment that employees are proud to be part of, you can help ensure that your company has a lasting competitive edge in both talent acquisition and business performance.

I have dedicated myself to transforming my workplace into a vibrant community where every employee feels deeply valued, appreciated and motivated. This commitment to creating an enriching work culture not only propelled my previous company into the spotlight as a top workplace but also led us to secure several employer awards. Based on that experience, here are some areas where you can strengthen your company culture for the betterment of your whole team.

Promoting A Supportive And Engaging Work Environment

Consider introducing initiatives aimed at promoting a supportive and engaging work environment that recognizes the importance of personal development and community engagement. For example, you might provide each employee with one day off each month to participate in volunteer activities of their choice. This can contribute to their personal growth and enhance their sense of job satisfaction and connection to the community.

Balancing work and personal life should be a priority. I have seen the positive benefits of offering employees their birthday off in addition to ample vacation days and public holidays. And providing options for sabbatical leave and extended maternity and paternity leaves under generous conditions can help make your company a supportive space for growing families.

Commitment To Employee Development

Another step in building a great company culture is providing clear and transparent career pathways for every team member. It's important to define each job role’s career trajectory clearly, outlining the specific skills, knowledge and training required for upward mobility in terms of promotions and salary increments. This strategic clarity can help not only those with aspirations for leadership roles but also those who prefer excelling in their current positions but still want to progress in terms of compensation.

You can show your commitment to employee development by offering robust training programs. Covering the costs for training relevant to their roles and the company’s needs, and actively hiring employees under apprenticeships, can highlight your willingness to invest in their long-term professional growth from the outset.

Employee Recognition

Employee recognition can be a cornerstone of a strong company culture. For example, my company offers an Employee of the Month award where the chosen employee receives a bonus and a certificate. You can celebrate these moments with a company-wide toast to foster a positive work environment. Consider setting aside a couple of days a year to celebrate employees who excel in various domains, such as sales and customer support. Top performers can be awarded certificates, cash bonuses and/or the opportunity to join company incentive trips to illustrious destinations. These recognitions can not only motivate employees but also foster a competitive yet collaborative environment.

If you have self-employed contractors, including them in all company-wide activities can help ensure a unified and inclusive work environment. You may also want to consider profit-sharing. My company introduced profit-sharing as a way to cultivate a sense of ownership and belonging, making staff feel like true partners in the business. This initiative deeply engaged our workforce by aligning their successes directly with the company’s profitability.

Feedback And Communication Systems

I recommend maintaining a rigorous feedback system through annual appraisals and monthly supervisions; this can be pivotal in planning training, development and both giving and receiving feedback. An open-door policy that encourages honest feedback about managers and the company can also help ensure accessibility and foster a culture of openness, trust and continuous improvement throughout the organization.

Prioritize customer satisfaction by revolving company activities around providing exceptional customer support and actively seeking customer feedback. This feedback should be regularly shared with and acted upon by the staff.

Another way to facilitate effective communication is by holding weekly team meetings and management team meetings to ensure alignment and coherence in strategies. For example, my company established a staff council where representatives from each team, elected by their peers, meet quarterly to discuss their ideas and requests and this has helped give everyone a voice in the company’s direction.


The most important results of these efforts are not in awards and public recognition but rather in the high levels of job satisfaction and low turnover rates they can achieve among your employees. By prioritizing the well-being and development of every individual within the company, you can create a workplace that is not only among the best to work for according to public accolades but in the hearts and minds of your employees, as well.

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