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Why You Should Consider A Specialist In Tax Planning

Forbes Finance Council

CEO/Founder The Concierge CPA Consulting, and TaxPlanIQ, a SaaS Tax Planning Software for Accountants.

Demystifying The Roles

Not all accountants are tax planners. There's a common misconception out there that any credentialed accountant or financial professional can handle tax planning. But here's the truth: While many professionals are qualified to prepare taxes, few specialize in tax planning. The difference in the specialization can mean the difference between average and outstanding financial outcomes (i.e., thousands upon thousands of dollars per year).

Understanding The Credentials: CPAs, EAs And CFPs

• Certified Public Accountants (CPAs): CPAs are well-versed in a variety of accounting practices. Their training might focus on anything from auditing to corporate finance, depending on where they’ve worked. While they understand the broader strokes of tax laws, not all CPAs specialize in strategic tax planning.

• Enrolled Agents (EAs): EAs are the warriors of tax preparation, trained specifically in tax regulations and capable of representing clients before the IRS. Their focus is primarily on preparation rather than proactive tax planning.

• Certified Financial Planners (CFPs): CFPs excel in wealth management and retirement planning. They are experts in crafting long-term financial strategies but may not focus on the nuances of tax planning unless it directly impacts an investment strategy.

The Crucial Need For Specialization

The variety in training and specialization among these professionals is vast. Some may have honed their skills in audit firms, others might have deep experience with specific industries like trucking or state-specific tax issues. This diversity means that finding someone who's happened to be exposed to great tax advisory work and strategy is a must.

Introducing The Concierge Accountant

This is where the concept of the concierge accountant comes into play. I've trained hundreds of accountants to move beyond the general scope of their credentials to specialize deeply in tax planning. These aren't just any accountants; they are trained to use innovative methods like the ROI Method of Value Pricing to ensure that every financial decision is tailored to the client’s specific economic context and goals.

Why Choose A Concierge Accountant?

• Specialized Tax Planning: Unlike generalists, concierge accountants are experts in navigating complex tax landscapes to uncover opportunities for savings and growth.

• Customized Financial Guidance: They provide bespoke advice based on your unique financial situation, adapting their strategies to serve your best interests.

• Value Pricing: With the ROI Method, you're not just paying for services; you're investing in measurable financial improvement.

Concierge Vs. Generalist

A concierge accountant does more than prepare your taxes; they ensure your financial strategies are proactive, comprehensive and highly personalized. They're not just preparing documents; they're planning your financial future with precision.

• Transform Your Financial Strategy: Switching to a concierge accountant means choosing a partner that's as invested in your financial success as you are. It's about creating a strategy that evolves with your life and business, offering tailored advice that impacts your bottom line.

• How To Make The Shift: Look beyond credentials alone. Seek out a specialist focused on tax planning with proven expertise in your specific financial area. Verify their track record, ask for client testimonials and ensure they can offer personalized strategies that align with your financial goals.

Determining If Your Accountant Is A Concierge Tax Planner

Choosing the right accountant is critical, but how can you be sure they're the specialist you need? Here are some key questions to ask your accountant to determine if they truly are a concierge tax planner:

• Do You Use Value Pricing?

Ask your accountant if they employ value pricing instead of traditional hourly billing. Value pricing aligns the accountant's incentives with your outcomes, focusing on results rather than the time spent. This approach is indicative of a modern, client-focused strategy. If they still adhere to hourly billing, it might suggest a more traditional approach that could prioritize billable hours over maximizing your financial benefits.

• What Are Your Favorite Tax Strategies?

This question will help you gauge their depth of knowledge and creativity in tax planning. Listen carefully to the strategies they mention. Are they basic measures you already know, or do they propose innovative solutions tailored to your specific financial situation? If their strategies don't impress you or seem too generic, it's a signal they might not have the specialized expertise you're looking for in a tax planner.

• How Much Of Your Practice Is Focused On Tax Planning Versus Compliance?

Understanding the focus of their practice is crucial. Ideally, you want someone who dedicates a significant portion of their practice—preferably more than 50%—to proactive tax planning. If compliance dominates their time, they may not be positioned to offer the strategic insights and proactive service that a true concierge tax planner would provide.

Why These Questions Matter

Asking these questions does more than help you evaluate their services; it also sets the expectation that you are seeking a high level of specialized, proactive financial care. A true concierge accountant will welcome such inquiries and be prepared to discuss their sophisticated strategies and client-centered pricing model.

Tax Projections Vs. True Tax Planning

Tax projections estimate your future tax liability based on current data, which helps in budgeting for tax payments. True tax planning goes much further, implementing strategies to reduce tax liability during the tax year at hand. For the same freelancer, a tax planner might suggest establishing a SEP IRA to defer income or timing expenses to lower taxable income, entity analysis and selection and business deduction optimization—which is actively minimizing the tax due rather than just preparing for it.

Tax planning can be likened to the meticulous work of a detective who goes line by line through the 1040 tax form, probing and questioning every entry to uncover what might be overlooked.

This approach is not just about staying current; it's about staying ahead, ensuring that your financial planning is as dynamic and distinctive as you are.

The information provided here is not investment, tax or financial advice. You should consult with a licensed professional for advice concerning your specific situation.

Forbes Finance Council is an invitation-only organization for executives in successful accounting, financial planning and wealth management firms. Do I qualify?

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