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Best Augmented Reality And Virtual Reality Stocks In 2023

Updated Dec 7, 2023, 02:41pm EST

Augmented reality (AR)

is technology that projects additions to what you see and hear through devices, adding to your current reality. Virtual reality (VR) is the creation of an immersive experience, using sound, images, touch feedback and other techniques to launch you into a world that only exists digitally, with the second.

These types of applications may sound futuristic but the concepts have been around for decades, including depicted in movies like 1982’s Tron and in action with the 2016 video game Pokemon GO where players search their surroundings for animated characters generated by their phones. As technology advances more uses could become mainstream, which makes AR and VR intriguing areas for investors to examine. But progress has been slow, which makes the investment case for AR and VR stocks much trickier than they sound.

Understanding Augmented And Virtual Reality: Transforming The Digital Landscape

The conceptual applications include things like new approaches toward education; immersive forms of entertainment that would redefine concepts of watching movies and listening to music; technologies to make jobs easier by providing information immediately rather than requiring people to flip through reference books; being able to picture what new furniture would look like in your home before buying it; or providing surgeons with vital patient information while performing an operation. Pilots can use VR for parts of their training. Pepsi tried out an ad in London using AR in 2014 through a prank bus stop that showed people waiting inside outrageous visual stunts that weren’t actually happening in the real world.

You may have heard of the metaverse. It’s supposed to be a titanically large universal digital world that people can use through AR or VR headsets. Facebook changed its corporate name to Meta Platforms META to focus on these new forms of communities. So has Microsoft, with both of the companies working on AR and VR hardware. Even Apple AAPL has come out with a $3,500 VR headset.

The AR and VR markets, along with that of the metaverse, are far from predictable. In 2021, Technavio Research predicted that AR/VR would see growth of $162.7 billion between 2021 and 2025. And yet, in July 2023, market analysis company IDC said that AR/VR headset shipments slowed by 54.4% year over year in the first quarter.

“It seems to me very unclear whether this is going to be a big market and exactly what the use is going to be,” says Abraham Ravid, Yeshiva University’s Sy Syms Professor of Finance. “I think it’s a sobering reminder that AR and VR has been long in the making for ten-plus years,” says Mark Iong, an equity portfolio manager at Homestead Funds.

Maybe there will be products that make concepts take off, or maybe not. At this stage, though, there’s no evidence of an oncoming and overwhelming wave of technical advancement and consumer demand to turn augmented and virtual reality into major money makers. There is also no way of knowing that there won’t be such breakthroughs.

The brain trust at Forbes has run the numbers, conducted the research, and done the analysis to come up with some of the best places for you to make money in 2024. Download one of Forbes' most popular and widely anticipated reports, 12 Best Stocks To Buy for 2024.

Benefits Of Investing In Augmented And Virtual Reality Stocks

The largest benefit of investing in companies involved in augmented and virtual reality is a hedge against the future. Currently, the industry is fairly low-key, although getting some traction in areas like entertainment. However, as the development of the smartphone showed, sometimes niche technology can spread its wings and take over entire segments of commerce. In the case of AR and VR, they could expand significantly into healthcare, education, industrial manufacturing and maintenance, marketing and many more areas.

This is where things get difficult in understanding the market, because it hasn’t come close to taking off, although companies large and small have placed many billions of dollars in strategic bets that it will. But any market is exceedingly difficult to forecast. Ravid points to a famous example that was also recounted in the New York Times NYT ten years back. McKinsey, one of the biggest names in business consulting, was asked by AT&T in 1980 how big the cell phone market would become in 20 years. The firm predicted it would be a niche market of 900,000 users. The actual number, 109,000,000.

To be fair, in 1980, no one could have known about the rapid advances in communications hardware, in the amount of computing power that could fit in your hand, in software. Even Steve Jobs, in 2007, didn’t think that apps would be important on phones, as the Walter Isaacson authorized biography of Apple’s most famous CEO recounted.

Investing in AR and VR companies could mean a large future payment. But the results are far from clear, which puts a premium on the right companies.

Risk Management And Portfolio Diversification In AR/VR Investments

While this may not always be the case in AR and VR, right now the right companies to consider are the ones that provide risk management and diversification because the market is a sideline they are developing over time. Major names that you might own in a tech portion of your portfolio are typically the ones to consider. Also, for AR/VR, you want exposure to various aspects of what is necessary to make the devices and services work.

AR and VR headsets and systems need components and platforms: chips, displays, memory, specialty software, digital content and batteries, to mention a few. Companies that are well placed to serve some of these needs, and which don’t depend on AR or VR for their primary revenue or profits, are ones to consider.

Emerging Trends And Disruptions In Augmented And Virtual Reality

Technology is important but will require ongoing monitoring of companies to see which ones seem to be winning the race because new developments are the ones that might help expand the entire market.

The point is not looking for the big-name savior—that is, Apple coming in with its own VR headset. While Apple has done well in the past capturing consumer imaginations, often it is a later entry that looks to development done elsewhere to spark its own ideas. That goes back to the Mac and the importance of Steve Jobs and others at Apple going to the Xerox XRX PARC research center where they saw graphic-driven computing interfaces for the first time.

Some potential trends to watch are various forms of human-machine interface, including gestures to direct machines and new forms of haptic (physical sensation through touch) feedback that could give users a better sense of what is supposed to be going on in a virtual world. Spatial computing helps blend the digital and physical worlds for users by using cameras, location sensors like LiDAR, and other techniques to help create a sense of position, orientation and movement.

The brain trust at Forbes has run the numbers, conducted the research, and done the analysis to come up with some of the best places for you to make money in 2024. Download one of Forbes' most popular and widely anticipated reports, 12 Best Stocks To Buy for 2024.

Augmented And Virtual Reality Stock Selection Criteria And Evaluation

As with any stock, there are multiple key factors to consider before making an investment. You want an investment to have sufficient capital to sustain itself through periods of growth and economic challenges, especially in areas like AR and VR, where the future is uncertain and staying power is important. “The company should have a healthy current ratio, quick ratio, or cash ratio, indicating that it has sufficient capital to manage its operations without needing to seek additional financing,” says Sankar Sharma, CEO of

That means you also typically want a company that is profitable. Often in technology, companies take on investment and burn cash in hopes of growing and becoming dominant in a niche. When successful, the value of an investment can grow, but that is far from certain.

In any case, a company “should exhibit consistent year-on-year growth, with the potential for such growth to continue in the future,” Sharma adds.

Because there could be an extended time for the markets to really grow, stability is important. “In general, when the technology is so unclear, the conglomerates will give you better value than smaller companies,” Ravid says. Bigger companies will have other lines of products that can provide a return while you wait to see if AR and VR take off.

Exploring The Best Augmented And Virtual Reality Stocks: Key Players And Innovators

Most of these names are most likely already familiar to you. All are involved in AR/VR but none of them depend on it for their entire existence. There is also a metaverse ETF that provides some good coverage.

Alphabet (GOOGL)

“The parent of Google GOOG GOOG has Google Lens for AR/VR,” says Sharma. “Google Lens leverages AR to provide real-time information about the world around the users. Google has its own product mix and use cases. Alphabet has a search engine, Google Maps, content delivery network, YouTube, and digital as well as mobile payment systems.” The company also has AI products and is profitable with $25 billion in cash, financially strong, and generates strong revenue, he says.

Apple (AAPL)

The world’s first trillion-dollar company has its own payment system, a cash-generating machine with multiple products and services, plenty of cash in hand, assets exceeding liabilities and holding cash reserves over 24 billion,” Sharma says. Apple also has a 0.5% dividend yield. The company is launching AR/VR headset Apple Vision Pro in early 2024, which has some built-in strengths of a well-established distribution channel and band loyalists.

Autodesk ADSK (ADSK)

Long known in computer-aided design, the company’s products are used in engineering, 3D design and entertainment. “Unlike software manufacturers, who can adapt their products to different platforms, hardware manufacturers have to compete for user recognition,” says Grzegorz Drozdz, a market analyst at investment company Conotoxia Ltd. “Autodesk seems to have great potential in this sense. It offers tools and solutions that allow developers, designers, engineers and architects to use VR technology in their work across multiple platforms. In addition, the company surprises positively with its profitability, with return on equity of 90%, and net profit margin that is 16.4% of total revenue.”

First Trust Indxx Metaverse ETF (ARVR)

James Allen, a certified financial planner and founder of financial app site, points to the First Trust Indxx Metaverse ETF. “It's an ETF that tracks the Indxx Metaverse Index, investing in companies that are actively involved in the Metaverse ecosystem,” he says. “As of July 17, it's trading at $32.50 with a healthy average volume. Its top holdings include tech heavyweights like Nvidia, Advanced Micro Devices AMD and Meta Platforms, all of which are key players in the AR and VR space.”

Immersion IMMR (IMMR)

Drozdz likes Immersion, which is a touch and haptic technology company. “Their core business is designing and delivering haptic solutions that allow users to feel touch and vibration when interacting with electronic devices,” he says. If you feel your smartphone buzz, Immersion might be the reason. “The company provides its solutions to a number of companies such as Meta Platforms, Sony, Valve, Oculus and Apple. The company's 88.7% net profit margin, virtually zero debt and particularly low valuation relative to its potential, with a P/E ratio of 6.7, stand out particularly favorably.”

Meta Technologies (META)

Another of the companies vying to be the top name in AR/VR goggles, Meta, owner of Facebook, has poured billions into developing the metaverse and AR/VR concepts. Meta “can send its message to the market in milliseconds, having multiple channels Facebook, Instagram, WhatsApp and now Threads,” explains Sharma. “Needless to say, it needs zero advertising budget to promote any of its products. In the Meta vision of creating digital connection AR/VR will certainly play a big part. With approximately $11 billion in hand, it is profitable, gets ad revenues, has a strong balance sheet and is also in a dominant position. Meta recently opened up its brand-new social media platform called Threads. Threads, Meta’s rival platform for Twitter, could add another layer for generating revenue shortly. Meta is a no-brainer to add to the AR/VR portfolio.”

Microsoft (MSFT)

Everyone knows Microsoft, “a profitable company with $26 billion cash on hand with well-established distribution channels,” and that has broad product lines with immense name recognition and a 0.8% dividend yield, says Sharma. Microsoft with its HoloLens mixed reality technology focused on business use has both feet in the door with most global corporations, a combination that is a differentiation. “With the Microsoft-Activision deal getting closer, Microsoft can use extend its AR/VR use not only in business but also in gaming putting it in a unique position.”

The brain trust at Forbes has run the numbers, conducted the research, and done the analysis to come up with some of the best places for you to make money in 2024. Download one of Forbes' most popular and widely anticipated reports, 12 Best Stocks To Buy for 2024.

AR/VR Stocks FAQs

What are the key applications of augmented and virtual reality technologies?

Currently, the strongest applications are in gaming and entertainment, but over time, corporate training, healthcare and industrial uses may become the biggest areas.

What are some factors driving the growth of the AR/VR market?

The theory is that AR and VR equipment and software can create a more compelling experience for users of digital technology. But it will take time to see whether this holds up.

Are there any risks or challenges associated with investing in AR/VR stocks?

As with any investment there is risk involved. Stocks that are heavily dependent on the strict AR/VR markets run the risk of burning through their ability to stay in business before there is broad acceptance and adoption.

How can investors stay updated on the latest advancements in augmented and virtual reality?

Investors need to monitor the tech and business press, looking for product announcements and general coverage of the industry.