en-us Jay Adkisson https://specials-images.forbesimg.com Jay Adkisson Jay Adkisson's stories. Copyright 2024 Forbes Media LLC 11th Circuit Says No Fraudulent Transfer Remedy Against The Debtor/Transferor Only In SE Property Holdings Considers the opinion in SE Property Holdings, LLC v. Welch, 65 F.4th 1335 (11th Cir., 2023), a fraudulent transfer case where there was no transferee party. Jay Adkisson, Contributor Jay Adkisson, Contributor content_668969636afb4d3f456ed21d Sat, 06 Jul 2024 12:02:05 -0400 2024-07-07T11:05:19-04:00 Considers the opinion in SE Property Holdings, LLC v. Welch, 65 F.4th 1335 (11th Cir., 2023), a fraudulent transfer case where there was no transferee party. getty Personal Finance /personal-finance Money /money Personal Finance /personal-finance investing jayadkissonblog standard The Sackler Family’s Plan Is Nixed By Ejusdem Generis In Purdue Pharma Discusses the opinion of the U.S. Supreme Court in Harrington v. Purdue Pharma, L.P., 603 S.Ct. ____ (June 27, 2024), and future possibilities for that litigation. Jay Adkisson, Contributor Jay Adkisson, Contributor content_6682e77ffba3ae046a1403c1 Mon, 01 Jul 2024 13:44:20 -0400 2024-07-02T19:23:53-04:00 Discusses the opinion of the U.S. Supreme Court in Harrington v. Purdue Pharma, L.P., 603 S.Ct. ____ (June 27, 2024), and future possibilities for that litigation. Pacific Press/LightRocket via Getty Images Personal Finance /personal-finance Money /money Personal Finance /personal-finance Business /business Law /law investing jayadkissonblog standard Colorado Single-Member LLC Falls To Alter Ego In Bronchick Discusses a creditor's penetration through alter ego of a debtor's single-member LLC in Boxer F2, L.P. v. Bronchick, 2024 WL 1141483 (D.Colo., March 15, 2024). Jay Adkisson, Contributor Jay Adkisson, Contributor content_6512768b638c553757b07ae1 Fri, 14 Jun 2024 11:41:51 -0400 2024-06-17T04:13:37-04:00 Discusses a creditor's penetration through alter ego of a debtor's single-member LLC in Boxer F2, L.P. v. Bronchick, 2024 WL 1141483 (D.Colo., March 15, 2024). getty Personal Finance /personal-finance Money /money Personal Finance /personal-finance investing jayadkissonblog standard Single-Member LLC Fails To Protect Assets in Kentucky Discusses foreclosure of interest in a single-member Kentucky LLC in Stich v. Mattingly, 2024 WL 2788210 (Ky.App., May 31, 2024). Jay Adkisson, Contributor Jay Adkisson, Contributor content_66671bcf997f151ba0469855 Mon, 10 Jun 2024 11:33:07 -0400 2024-06-11T05:01:08-04:00 Discusses foreclosure of interest in a single-member Kentucky LLC in Stich v. Mattingly, 2024 WL 2788210 (Ky.App., May 31, 2024). getty Personal Finance /personal-finance Money /money Personal Finance /personal-finance investing jayadkissonblog standard The European Union Adopts Anti-SLAPP Directive The European Union, Council of Europe and United Nations All Take Action Against SLAPP Cases Jay Adkisson, Contributor Jay Adkisson, Contributor content_6661e4af13228a6980824d5c Thu, 06 Jun 2024 12:39:58 -0400 2024-06-07T03:53:33-04:00 The European Union, Council of Europe and United Nations All Take Action Against SLAPP Cases AFP via Getty Images Personal Finance /personal-finance Money /money Personal Finance /personal-finance Business /business Law /law investing jayadkissonblog standard Doctor Sits In Jail For Refusal To Repatriate Offshore Moneys A Michigan anesthesiologist has been incarcerated for contempt for failing to repatriate his offshore account to satisfy a creditor's judgment. Jay Adkisson, Contributor Jay Adkisson, Contributor content_665f45fe6cc12729cfdf7ec9 Tue, 04 Jun 2024 12:55:49 -0400 2024-06-06T03:55:18-04:00 A Michigan anesthesiologist has been incarcerated for contempt for failing to repatriate his offshore account to satisfy a creditor's judgment. getty Personal Finance /personal-finance Money /money Personal Finance /personal-finance investing jayadkissonblog standard Minnesota Adopts The Uniform Public Expression Protection Act Minnesota has adopted the Uniform Protection Act (UPEPA) as its Anti-SLAPP law, effective May 25, 2024. Jay Adkisson, Contributor Jay Adkisson, Contributor content_665c90e4115cb84d44d3ff05 Sun, 02 Jun 2024 11:38:49 -0400 2024-06-04T02:31:27-04:00 Minnesota has adopted the Uniform Protection Act (UPEPA) as its Anti-SLAPP law, effective May 25, 2024. getty Personal Finance /personal-finance Money /money Personal Finance /personal-finance Business /business Law /law investing jayadkissonblog standard Microcaptive Promoter Celia Clark Settles IRS Promoter Penalties Discusses Celia Clark's settlement with the IRS for $5.2 million regarding microcaptive promoter penalties Jay Adkisson, Contributor Jay Adkisson, Contributor content_664c16b0d51d061a4ecc4c5b Mon, 20 May 2024 23:40:36 -0400 2024-06-04T01:27:55-04:00 Discusses Celia Clark's settlement with the IRS for $5.2 million regarding microcaptive promoter penalties getty Personal Finance /personal-finance Money /money Personal Finance /personal-finance investing jayadkissonblog standard Gain Elimination Plan Causes Three Promoters To Gain Convictions Discusses the recent convictions of Michael Elliot Kohn, Catherine Elizabeth Chollet and David Shane Simmons, for running a tax scheme involving distributions to charity. Jay Adkisson, Contributor Jay Adkisson, Contributor content_66492160f950a23ed594e25b Sat, 18 May 2024 17:49:21 -0400 2024-06-04T01:15:15-04:00 Discusses the recent convictions of Michael Elliot Kohn, Catherine Elizabeth Chollet and David Shane Simmons, for running a tax scheme involving distributions to charity. getty Personal Finance /personal-finance Money /money Personal Finance /personal-finance investing jayadkissonblog standard Kentucky UPEPA Held Not Available In Federal Court In Peach Discusses Peach v. Hagerman, 2024 WL 1748443 (W.D.Ky., April 23, 2024), where a U.S. District Court held that the Kentucky UPEPA was not available in federal court. Jay Adkisson, Contributor Jay Adkisson, Contributor content_664029340d434647c301b158 Sat, 11 May 2024 22:31:40 -0400 2024-06-03T08:21:55-04:00 Discusses Peach v. Hagerman, 2024 WL 1748443 (W.D.Ky., April 23, 2024), where a U.S. District Court held that the Kentucky UPEPA was not available in federal court. getty Personal Finance /personal-finance Money /money Personal Finance /personal-finance investing jayadkissonblog standard Ultimate Tax Plan Promoters Mike Meyer And Rao Garuda Sentenced Michael L. Meyer is sentenced to 8 years and Rao Garuda receives a 20 month sentence. Jay Adkisson, Contributor Jay Adkisson, Contributor content_663808ee4b586f29dfacd0fb Sun, 05 May 2024 18:37:59 -0400 2024-05-08T14:08:06-04:00 Michael L. Meyer is sentenced to 8 years and Rao Garuda receives a 20 month sentence. getty Personal Finance /personal-finance Money /money Personal Finance /personal-finance investing jayadkissonblog standard Maine Adopts The Uniform Public Expression Protection Act The UPEPA will supplant Maine's previous Anti-SLAPP Act which was limited to the right to petition and was also short on procedural specifics. Jay Adkisson, Contributor Jay Adkisson, Contributor content_66328d829626993e2cabb127 Wed, 01 May 2024 14:49:45 -0400 2024-05-07T00:01:03-04:00 The UPEPA will supplant Maine's previous Anti-SLAPP Act which was limited to the right to petition and was also short on procedural specifics. getty Personal Finance /personal-finance Money /money Personal Finance /personal-finance Business /business Law /law investing jayadkissonblog standard Second Circuit Nixes New York Charging Order Protection For Many LLCs A U.S. District Court has ordered a judgment debtor to turnover shares in a Delaware LLC without regard to charging order exclusivity of remedy. Jay Adkisson, Contributor Jay Adkisson, Contributor content_6626fc4c37780e76d82ba4a7 Mon, 22 Apr 2024 20:14:23 -0400 2024-05-02T06:15:38-04:00 A U.S. District Court has ordered a judgment debtor to turnover shares in a Delaware LLC without regard to charging order exclusivity of remedy. getty Personal Finance /personal-finance Money /money Personal Finance /personal-finance investing jayadkissonblog standard Captive Manager Avoids 6700 Penalties After Jury Trial The IRS assessed 6700 penalties against Ankner and his three companies, and to avoid those penalties they filed a refund lawsuit in the U.S. District Court and won. Jay Adkisson, Contributor Jay Adkisson, Contributor content_661a0ec7d3a4b1240b628868 Sat, 13 Apr 2024 00:54:25 -0400 2024-04-15T03:30:14-04:00 The IRS assessed 6700 penalties against Ankner and his three companies, and to avoid those penalties they filed a refund lawsuit in the U.S. District Court and won. getty Personal Finance /personal-finance Money /money Personal Finance /personal-finance investing jayadkissonblog standard Doctor’s Transfer To Wife To Avoid Creditors Doesn't Survive Divorce Discusses Gilbert v. Gilbert where doctor conveyed property to wife to avoid creditors, but then lost the property in divorce. Jay Adkisson, Contributor Jay Adkisson, Contributor content_661613f072924c1de1c16aea Wed, 10 Apr 2024 00:27:02 -0400 2024-04-15T03:14:31-04:00 Discusses Gilbert v. Gilbert where doctor conveyed property to wife to avoid creditors, but then lost the property in divorce. getty Personal Finance /personal-finance Money /money Personal Finance /personal-finance investing jayadkissonblog standard Corporate Transparency Act Held Unconstitutional, For Now Discusses the decision in Nat'l Small Bus. United v. Yellen, N.D.Ala. Case No. 22-CV-1448 (Mar. 1, 2024), which has held the CTA to be unconstitutional Jay Adkisson, Contributor Jay Adkisson, Contributor content_65eaae771496b45ce0c53123 Fri, 08 Mar 2024 01:25:47 -0500 2024-06-03T06:57:34-04:00 Discusses the decision in Nat'l Small Bus. United v. Yellen, N.D.Ala. Case No. 22-CV-1448 (Mar. 1, 2024), which has held the CTA to be unconstitutional Copyright 2024 The Associated Press. All rights reserved. Personal Finance /personal-finance Money /money Personal Finance /personal-finance investing jayadkissonblog standard The Ultimate Tax Plan Leads To Ultimate Guilty Plea By Mike Meyer Relates the guilty plea of Ultimate Tax Plan mastermind Michael L. Meyer's who ran a charitable donation tax shelter and backdated documents and falsified tax returns. Jay Adkisson, Contributor Jay Adkisson, Contributor content_65b0a6b631c19445401c497a Wed, 24 Jan 2024 01:02:14 -0500 2024-06-03T07:03:52-04:00 Relates the guilty plea of Ultimate Tax Plan mastermind Michael L. Meyer's who ran a charitable donation tax shelter and backdated documents and falsified tax returns. getty Personal Finance /personal-finance Money /money Personal Finance /personal-finance investing jayadkissonblog standard The Ultimate Tax Plan Of Donations Of LLC Interests To Charity Leads To The Indictment Of Michael Meyer The Ultimate Tax Plan involved bogus donations of LLC interests to charity and resulted in the indictment of Michael Meyers and others Jay Adkisson, Contributor Jay Adkisson, Contributor content_64d83152de4f1b390bbc6046 Sat, 12 Aug 2023 21:32:32 -0400 2024-06-03T06:57:34-04:00 The Ultimate Tax Plan involved bogus donations of LLC interests to charity and resulted in the indictment of Michael Meyers and others getty Personal Finance /personal-finance Money /money Personal Finance /personal-finance investing jayadkissonblog standard Ninth Circuit Agrees That Damages Is Not An Element Of A Fraudulent Transfer Case In Medina The U.S. Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit has ruled that a lower court bankruptcy judge erred in requiring damages as a necessary element in a fraudulent transfer case. Jay Adkisson, Contributor Jay Adkisson, Contributor content_617d7148ad8a3f00017ab5ae Sat, 30 Oct 2021 12:33:07 -0400 2024-07-01T13:52:54-04:00 The U.S. Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit has ruled that a lower court bankruptcy judge erred in requiring damages as a necessary element in a fraudulent transfer case. getty Personal Finance /personal-finance Money /money Personal Finance /personal-finance investing jayadkissonblog standard Residence Underwater Due To Liens Not An Asset That Could Be Fraudulently Transferred In Tootian The U.S. Bankruptcy Court for the Southern District of California considers the definition of "asset" in the context of a debtor's property subject to multiple liens in excess of its value. Jay Adkisson, Contributor Jay Adkisson, Contributor content_6171cfd24aa718000105da82 Thu, 21 Oct 2021 17:48:26 -0400 2024-07-01T13:54:38-04:00 The U.S. Bankruptcy Court for the Southern District of California considers the definition of "asset" in the context of a debtor's property subject to multiple liens in excess of its value. getty Personal Finance /personal-finance Money /money Personal Finance /personal-finance investing jayadkissonblog standard UVTA Held Not To Require A Third-Party Transferee In Nagel The California Court of Appeals has held that the UVTA does not require a third-party transferee but the debtor may also be the transferee for purposes of avoiding a fraudulent conversion of a non-exempt asset to an exempt asset. Jay Adkisson, Contributor Jay Adkisson, Contributor content_600daa02d9c6980007b77370 Sun, 24 Jan 2021 12:14:22 -0500 2024-07-01T13:56:06-04:00 The California Court of Appeals has held that the UVTA does not require a third-party transferee but the debtor may also be the transferee for purposes of avoiding a fraudulent conversion of a non-exempt asset to an exempt asset. getty Personal Finance /personal-finance Money /money Personal Finance /personal-finance investing jayadkissonblog standard Debtor’s Transfers From Non-Debtor Limited Partnership Set Aside In Cole Control test allows the U.S. Bankruptcy Court to set aside transfers from a non-debtor entity partially owned by the debtor. Jay Adkisson, Contributor Jay Adkisson, Contributor content_5febf18acd172300066bdb4f Tue, 29 Dec 2020 22:23:09 -0500 2024-07-01T18:23:01-04:00 Control test allows the U.S. Bankruptcy Court to set aside transfers from a non-debtor entity partially owned by the debtor. getty Personal Finance /personal-finance Money /money Personal Finance /personal-finance investing jayadkissonblog standard 11th Circuit Affirms Punitive Damages For A Fraudulent Transfer And Rejects Constructive Notice In Judkins Trying to dodge personal guarantees lands a debtor in punitive damages hot water to the tune of $300,000 Jay Adkisson, Contributor Jay Adkisson, Contributor content_5f8c66ac47f5a100063a711b Tue, 20 Oct 2020 11:39:26 -0400 2024-07-02T05:31:32-04:00 Trying to dodge personal guarantees lands a debtor in punitive damages hot water to the tune of $300,000 getty Personal Finance /personal-finance Money /money Personal Finance /personal-finance investing jayadkissonblog standard Bank That Was Financially Involved With Debtor Gets Caught Up In Fraudulent Transfer Case In Wilson Farmers State Bank gets caught up in ugly civil conspiracy and fraudulent transfer case following a judgment for sexual assault against its client. Jay Adkisson, Contributor Jay Adkisson, Contributor content_5ee2391959da030006fee317 Thu, 11 Jun 2020 10:08:08 -0400 2024-07-02T19:57:09-04:00 Farmers State Bank gets caught up in ugly civil conspiracy and fraudulent transfer case following a judgment for sexual assault against its client. Getty Personal Finance /personal-finance Money /money Personal Finance /personal-finance investing jayadkissonblog standard Utah Supreme Court Rejects Mixed Motive Test For Intentional Fraudulent Transfers In Jones Case The Utah Supreme Court has issued an opinion which rejects the argument that a debtor's intent in making a transfer must be predominantly to defeat the rights of creditors, and instead holds that the issue must be determined by the fact finder if there is any significant evidence of such intention. Jay Adkisson, Contributor Jay Adkisson, Contributor content_5ec73d9f2400a20007b6ace3 Thu, 21 May 2020 22:52:49 -0400 2024-07-02T23:21:45-04:00 The Utah Supreme Court has issued an opinion which rejects the argument that a debtor's intent in making a transfer must be predominantly to defeat the rights of creditors, and instead holds that the issue must be determined by the fact finder if there is any significant evidence of such intention. Getty Personal Finance /personal-finance Money /money Personal Finance /personal-finance investing jayadkissonblog standard