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Dawn And Ceres: A Dwarf Planet Revealed [Infographic]

Updated Mar 26, 2016, 01:43pm EDT
This article is more than 8 years old.

After a quick stop at the asteroid Vesta, NASA’s Dawn space probe made its way to the largest object in the asteroid belt, Ceres. On March 6, 2015 it became the first mission to encounter a dwarf planet. Since that time Dawn has been mapping the surface and sending data back to scientists on Earth revealing the mysteries of Ceres.

Among those mysteries are the 130 bright spots on the surface, the mountainous Ahuna Mons, the Occator Crater, and the Kupalo crater. The bright spots have been a major point of focus for the scientists studying the data. Right now, scientists believe the bright spots to be salts. How the salts are collecting in concentrated spots is not yet understood. They may be the result of geological activity or the result of impacts on the surface exposing water from deep with in the dwarf planet. As Dawn records more information scientists will be able to discover the how the spots are being created.

The infographic below gives the details of just a few of Ceres features. As more information comes our way, more will be revealed.

Find out more about Dawn and Ceres by visiting our friends at NASA and this post by Ethan Siegel.

See the whole surface of Ceres in this stunning animation. Made using the images from Dawn this video is a must see.

Stay up to date on the discoveries on Ceres.