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Why A Brain Tumor Was the Best Thing That Ever Happened to Indie Lee

Updated Apr 22, 2015, 11:37am EDT
This article is more than 9 years old.

It's Earth Day! For many people, it's a vague reminder to use less water, buy fewer plastic bottles, or start composting. Or maybe it's just an excuse to drink some organic wine. But for Indie Lee, it's more personal. It's the anniversary of a brain surgery that saved her life, and a reminder of her commitment to helping women avoid her medical fate. On April 22, 2009, doctors removed a tumor from Lee's brain after a stark diagnosis the previous November.

Doctors couldn't tell Indie exactly what caused her tumor, but they pointed to the environment and potentially her beauty products. She got her will in order and prepared for the possibility of not seeing her young son and daughter, now 15 and 11, grow up.

"I was always a lotions and potions junkie, but never made the connection," says Lee, who previously worked for HBO and has a background in accounting.

Happily, she survived the surgery with flying colors. Now, with her eponymous skincare line, she wants to educate other women on the risks associated with the products they're putting on their skin.

"[The tumor] was the best thing that ever happened to me," says Lee. "I consider it one of the greatest gifts. It woke me up to what I'm passionate about and to create my own destiny and create change in the industry."

Lee now has a 750 square foot greenhouse in her backyard in New York state, where she grows ingredients for concocting new lotions and potions—ones she considers to be safe. She became a bit of a botanical mad scientist, albeit one that uses only all-natural ingredients not associated with an increased risk of health problems.

"I'm a type A personality so I was reading every possible book about aromatherapy," Lee said.

She points out that while the United Kingdom has banned 1,100 ingredients once found in beauty products, the FDA in the United States has blacklisted just 12.

"Instead of being negative, I thought, 'What can I do?' And I started to look at all the ingredients. That was six years ago. I started to realize no one is really watching over the beauty industry."

She had already been experimenting with edible plants after a rheumatoid arthritis diagnosis four years previous. She had so much calendula, she didn't know what to do with it—until she began formulating skincare products.

Eventually, she realized there were things she wanted to include in her products that she couldn't manipulate herself—plant stem cells for example. So now, she works with a chemist to develop formulations. But she still uses herself and friends as guinea pigs.

"Everything gets tested for stability and shelf life," Lee said. "I test on myself, even if it's not for my type of skin. I'm like the best guinea pig. If I wouldn't put it on my own skin, why would I let anybody else? My friends and family want to be guinea pigs too. There's no shortage of people. When you use ingredients you know are safe, it's easy."

Lee's best seller is the facial oil. It has one ingredient—squalane oil—which comes from olives. It regulates oil production, so even if you have oily skin, it's a good choice, Lee said. The brightening cleanser, which contains strawberry seed oil, is also a a huge seller. "It works as a make-up remover, cleanser, and also a brightening mask."

The self-funded beauty enterprise kicked off partially with cash Lee brought in after selling some of her jewelry. The products are now available in 23 states, 7 countries, and more than 50 retailers including Space.NK and ABC Home. And Lee said her presence is growing—look for some new retail outlets coming soon as well as international expansion.