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Why Not Winning America's Got Talent and Avoiding a Major Record Label Was Awesome for Lindsey Stirling

Updated Aug 31, 2015, 05:13pm EDT
This article is more than 8 years old.

I had the pleasure of meeting "dancing dubstep violinist" Lindsey Stirling at Outside Lands Music Festival earlier this month. With hair in pigtails that took the form of mouse ears, a smile for miles and a busker-off-duty style, we chatted in the media tent while her publicist hovered nearby.

That she has a publicist monitoring her interviews in 10-minute increments is proof that the judges on America's Got Talent season 5 in 2010 were dead wrong when they kicked her off the show. Piers Morgan told her the world had no place for a dancing dubstep violinist, and Sharon Osbourne said: "I don't think what you're doing right now is enough to fill a theater in Vegas." As you can see here, she was certainly enough for the enormosity that is the Twin Peaks stage at Outside Lands.

Following this CBS Online interview, Morgan Tweeted "Congratulations" to Stirling, adding that she did indeed prove him wrong.

And it's OK, she's glad she was booted. It saved her from being tethered to a record contract that would have limited both her income and creativity. A commenter on that CBS article said it best: "She didn't just prove Morgan wrong, she's proven the whole system wrong."

After recovering from the show, Stirling released her debut solo album on her own in 2012, she appears on the John Legend hit "All of Me," and she released her sophomore album in 2014, which debuted at #1 on iTunes. Not bad for a self-described "YouTuber." We chatted about all this and more—until her publicist whisked her away, of course. Read all about it below!

Why did you decide against going with a major label and how has that affected your career so far?

"In the beginning, I didn't know any other way. I had a book on "How to Make it in the Music Industry," and I read it and I was like: 'OK, so I need a label.' I shopped my music around and sent it out and labels were just not intersted. They didn't get it, they couldn't catch the vision, and they just kept saying, 'You're too different,' and they didn't know what to do with me. It's a risk anytime they take a new artist and no one was willing to take a chance on this dancing violin girl.

So then I discovered YouTube which was the greatest thing that ever happened to me. It was so great to finally find a platform that didn't have gatekeepers, and I could invest in myself. So I started this YouTube channel and it went bigger than I ever thought it would be, and I started touring on my own dime. I just realized I could make my career happen myself. Then all of a sudden, all these record label people were coming out to the shows and meeting me backstage. My band thought it was really funny because they've been with multiple artists in the past and they had never seen the label trying to impress the artist so much. Usually we're the ones trying to impress them!

Then they would send me these ideal contracts for them, and I was like, 'Why would I sign this? I do all of these things on my own, I don't need your help.' And they were like, 'Well we can front your tours, we can front your album,' and I was like 'I do this all myself.' And also I started to work with other artists who were working with labels and it was such a pain! Doing collabs there were all these tiers of approval. That would drive me insane to have all these approvals and to have everybody else saying what I could and couldn't do. So I just realized there's not a lot of benefit. If you can start yourself and get the ball rolling. I didn't need a label anymore, and I didn't want one.

Did you have money starting out?

"Not a penny, no. I was a college student, I was working a job and going to school at the same time trying to get a degree in therapy. So I was basically doing little gigs on the side, playing bar mitzvahs and weddings and classical violin until basically I paid for my whole album doing that. And that's about the time when YouTube started to make enough money that I could quit my day job. And then YouTube did better and I could pay for a couple shows, and then I was able to pay for a bus and a tour. I started little and just built it step by step, pretty much the same way a label would, but just being really smart about it. I never went into debt, I never borrowed money, I just took it step by step and went to the level that I could."

Would you recommend to other artists to do it the way you did it, rather than find a label?

"I don't think there's one way to do it anymore. For some artists a major label is perfect, for others doing an independent YouTube social media route is perfect. It really depends on your personality. If you need someone to motivate you, and if you're not self-driven and if you're not full of ideas all the time, a label's probably a good route. But if you're someone who's constantly bursting with ideas and loves to just go and doesn't want to wait for someone else... I think a label would drive me crazy and I'd feel held back. But I have friends who are artists and they're a lot more chill and they need someone to give them a little honk—they need a deadline. So it just depends on how you work and I don't think there's a right or wrong way for the masses, but I think there's a right or wrong way for individuals and you just have to decide what you want.

Also I think the most important thing to learn is that there are so many different ways a label deal could look. And I do have a label in Europe because I was able to customize that deal. They sent me a deal and I was like, 'Absolutely not, I would never sign that.' But it turned into a licensing deal where it made sense. I basically crossed out the terms I didn't like, wrote in the ones I did, and we compromised and went back and forth until it was something that made sense. I'm not in Europe as much as I am here, I don't understand the cultures as well, so it makes sense to license my music. They can get my music on TV, in commercials, and big shows over there. So it's really important to realize that some labels make sense and you don't have to take the first deal that comes to you. Customize it, make it what you want, go back and forth, get a lawyer to help you. And definitely don't look at the advance because that's not the end of the deal.

What would have been different if you had won America's Got Talent?

"It really is the best thing that could have happened to me. At the time I didn't see it, and I was humiliated, absolutely devastated, I honestly didn't know if I could get on a stage again I was so embarrassed. I was just heartbroken. I thought it was my big break, and after that experience and after getting back onstage I've learned that there really is no such thing as the greatest moment in your life, there is no such thing as a make or break, because life is kind, and it gives you chance after chance after chance. Failure is a part of success, it's just the stepping stones.

So thankfully I didn't give up. I knew there was more, but looking back in hindsight, I was at a point in my career where I didn't understand the music industry and I would have signed anything. Talking about how label deals have so many different tiers and you can customize it—I didn't understand that. I was so desperate to share my music, that anything they would have put in front of me—actually I did; I signed it! If I had won that show or gone far enough, I would have been owned by a label, and they would have been the drivers of my career. I mean, looking at that contract, I would have lost everything. They would have owned my masters, I would have given up everything. And I signed it! So the fact that I got cut even before the final 10, I was completely cut of all obligations because I didn't make it far enough. And oh my gosh, my career would be non-existent if I had won. Like I said, labels didn't get me, and they would have catered my music in a very different way, instead of letting me drive my career and figure out what my voice was."

So happy for you that it worked out! On another note, how would you describe your style?

"I have two styles, my performance style and my personal style. My personal style is very casual and eclectic. I love mixing quirky things together. My performing style is very much like a rave pixie. The more sparkles the better. It has to be something I can dance in, it has to be sparkly, it has to be slightly pixie."

Who are your favorite designers?

I am not well versed in the fashion world to be completely honest! I shop at Forever 21 and I'm just a very frugal shopper. I wear the same things forever until they wear out. I'm not huge into designer stuff, but I kind of love that because my fans will ask me, 'Where do you shop?' and I'm like, 'The same place you do! I shop at TopShop at Forever 21 and H&M !' I love finding interesting things at festivals to make things unique and quirky."

Would you ever do a designer collaboration?

"I haven't yet but I absolutely would if I had the opportunity. A lot of fans like my style, and the way I combine things, so I have thought that I should work with a designer to create a Lindsey Sterling look or line. I would love to do that some day."

Do we have time for a selfie?

"There's always time for a selfie!" (You can check it out here.)