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Dystopia: A Series On Housing In The Years Ahead

Updated May 4, 2021, 12:25pm EDT
This article is more than 3 years old.

The outbreaks of unhelpful, negative, and even bizarre anti-housing legislation across the country have been as bedeviling as Covid-19 outbreaks. “What’s next and where?” one has to ask. The latest is a scheme by Socialist Seattle City Councilmember Kshama Sawant to ban eviction during the “school year.” Smart. Wily. Will it happen? Probably. I decided it would be good to tell a story about what the world will look like in the future after the wildfire of crazy interventions results in what I’ve predicted as a government takeover of rental housing. I’ve written a three-part story from the perspective of a housing provider, a person looking for housing, and the newly elected president in early 2029 who has to unravel the mess.

What I am putting together is neither scholarship nor great literature. Rather, it is an effort to show what housing will look like through this decade if nothing is done to arrest its slide into socialism. Some will say what I am portraying in the story “will never happen.” Maybe it won’t. I hope it doesn’t. But the underlying idea is valid: the general public continues to perceive housing as passive income and a financial gamble taken by people with cash. Housing, for the public, is not a marginal business but something closer to hedge fund speculation, a casino like game they don’t understand and think is wrong for a consumer product with no substitute.

Here’s what I wrote to a very smart and aligned scholar at a very established market oriented institution seemingly ignoring what we are facing:

“We’re in real peril of losing much of our private rental housing sector to de facto nationalization. If we’re to mount an effort against this, we need a firm intellectual foundation, and that means

  1. No price controls, ever,
  2. No fees, fines, taxes, or exactions on new housing,
  3. More housing production with zero strings other than health and safety requirements (end zoning),
  4. A free exchange of value between housing providers and people who need housing,
  5. No racial programming of neighborhoods, and
  6. Subsidizing people at the lower end of the economic ladder with direct cash subsidies.

Legal challenges will NOT accomplish this. A sustained effort to reach voters who generally understand supply and demand, the difficulty of running a marginal business, and fairness will. Today people see housing and real estate as passive income for gamblers with lots of cash; it is not. Building and operating housing is just like any other consumer sector, and until people learn to see it that way, they’ll be easily persuaded to support inflationary policies like mandatory inclusion, exactions and extensions for inefficient non-profit housing, and price controls.

Eventually, if we don’t reach people, voters and the officials they elect will agree that “housing is a right;” it has no substitute and therefore it should be “free.” What will take the place of an impersonal price system will be rationing by a government biased by politics and foment. This will make life worse.”

What follows over the next three days is the story of what that life looks like in the years ahead and how the damage will be undone, but years from now if we don’t act soon.

Next in the series: A Housing Provider In 2025 Gives Up And Sells

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