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Regulatory Review Revisited

Updated Apr 13, 2023, 05:15pm EDT

More than two years ago, President Biden signaled sharp differences with his predecessor’s regulatory approach via a day-one memorandum directing the White House Office of Information and Regulatory Affairs (OIRA) to work with executive branch departments and agencies to “modernize regulatory review.” Last Friday, he followed up on that memo with a new Executive Order (E.O.) 14094, also titled “Modernizing Regulatory Review,” accompanied by implementation guidance that I summarize here. As a former OIRA administrator, I am relieved by some aspects of the new order and concerned by others.

The order reaffirms regulatory analysis and centralized review

I am relieved that Biden’s new order retains longstanding practices established in President Clinton’s E.O. 12866—issued 30 years ago. That order required agencies to estimate the likely benefits and costs of their significant regulatory actions and send them to OIRA for review and interagency consultation. Each subsequent president has reaffirmed that 1993 order. However, given the progressive wing of the Democratic party’s animosity toward regulatory analysis and OIRA itself, it wasn’t obvious that President Biden would preserve these longstanding nonpartisan policies.

Definitional changes may dilute regulatory oversight

However, I’m concerned that amendments to key definitions may seriously curtail the number of rules subject to the analysis and interagency review practices that have been the bedrock of regulatory development in the United States for the last half-century. Biden’s order amends the definitions of regulations considered “significant” and thus subject to OIRA review in two important ways.

First, it increases the threshold for defining the subset of significant regulations (known as “economically significant”) that require more rigorous analysis of benefits and costs from $100 million to $200 million in a year. This change will obviously reduce the number of regulatory impact analyses agencies conduct, but probably not by a lot, since most rules with the economically significant designation have effects (benefits or costs) substantially greater than $200 million. Given that the $100 million threshold was set in 1993 and has not increased with inflation, this isn’t an unreasonable step to take. The order also requires OMB to adjust that threshold every three years for GDP growth, which may lend a false sense of precision to a number that is simply meant to signal “big,” and therefore worthy of more careful examination.

Perhaps much more important is a new requirement that OIRA’s presidentially-appointed administrator must now sign off on the designation of most “other significant” rules—those with smaller dollar impacts but, as defined in the Clinton order, “raise novel legal or policy issues.” The amended language explains that this designation now applies to rules that “raise legal or policy issues for which centralized review would meaningfully further the President’s priorities or the principles set forth in this Executive order.” That’s fine, but it goes on to require that the OIRA administrator specifically authorize review in “each case.” Historically, “other significant” rules have comprised between 60% and 80% of all the rules that OIRA staff review. During my tenure as administrator, I don’t recall a single dispute over a significance determination; those were routinely made by the career policy analysts in consultation with policy officials and other relevant agencies. This seemingly small definitional change may be a big win for agencies that chafe at OIRA review, but I fear it will make OIRA more political and dilute its ability to coordinate across agencies. Requiring the OIRA administrator to make a specific authorization in each case is not only cumbersome but will likely dramatically reduce the number of regulations designated as significant and subject to the order’s requirements for assessing regulatory impacts.

Agencies and OIRA are to proactively engage under-represented communities

The order also directs both agencies and OIRA to affirmatively promote “inclusive regulatory policy and public participation” by more proactively engaging communities that have been under-represented in rulemaking. By their nature, government regulations tend to be influenced by organized interest groups, even though their impacts are dispersed across the broader population. While soliciting diverse knowledge and perspectives when considering rulemaking could improve outcomes, the proposed actions are unlikely to address the Hayekian knowledge problem. Unless carefully communicated and executed, the petition and meeting process that the order encourages could backfire by inflating public expectations about how much their expressions of sentiment can contribute to the rulemaking process. As my colleagues note elsewhere, the “rulemaking is not a plebiscite in which the most popular position wins.” Instead, “rulemaking is fundamentally a legal, administrative process that is governed by statute and judicial review,” so there is a risk that public participants will become disillusioned if their input fails to sway outcomes because it doesn’t respond to “the economic, scientific, and technical issues agencies have been charged to address.”

Relatedly, the order directs OIRA to revise its procedures for meeting with parties outside the government when it has a regulation under review. OIRA has a professional staff of fewer than 50 people, and some rules attract dozens of meeting requests, which OIRA has historically accepted. In my experience, many, if not most, of those meetings provide little useful information, and they take time away from constructive interagency review. Whether the suggested changes will address or aggravate that problem remains to be seen. While the order directs OIRA to discourage meeting requests from frequent participants, it asks it to proactively facilitate meetings with “potential participants …who have not historically requested such meetings.” Similar to the point above, that may raise false expectations, in addition to increasing OIRA’s workload with limited benefit. OIRA is seeking comment on its meeting practices, and may find better ways to reduce their number and increase their value.

OIRA will revise its regulatory analysis guidelines

Finally, the order directs OIRA to revise its circular governing regulatory impact analysis. OIRA released proposed revisions last week and will accept public comment through June 6. The circular has a long pedigree; issued in 2003, it was based on previous guidelines from the Clinton and Reagan administrations, as well as leading texts and research. I am still digesting the revisions and will have more to say on those; at 91 pages, the proposed circular is almost twice as long as the 2003 version, and also includes a 34-page preamble. I am pleased that OIRA is seeking both public comment and peer review, and encourage other academics and practitioners to share their expertise on the record.

In sum, President Biden’s long-awaited directives on regulatory analysis and oversight are the most significant since President Clinton’s 30 years ago. Whether they survive as long as Clinton’s has, only time will tell.

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