en-us Victoria Forster Victoria Forster Victoria Forster's stories. Copyright 2024 Forbes Media LLC FDA Study Finds Infectious H5N1 Bird Flu Virus In 14% Of Raw Milk Samples The results come at the same time as a public survey showing Americans underestimate the health risks of consuming raw milk. Victoria Forster, Contributor Victoria Forster, Contributor content_66842334a8fc530a1bad8ecd Tue, 02 Jul 2024 13:03:35 -0400 2024-07-03T16:29:31-04:00 The results come at the same time as a public survey showing Americans underestimate the health risks of consuming raw milk. getty Healthcare /healthcare Innovation /innovation Healthcare /healthcare business pharma & healthcare standard New Study Says Baby-Led Weaning May Have Advantages Over Other Methods The study found that babies who are encouraged to eat solid foods from the age of 6 months get similar calories to babies who are spoon fed pureed foods by caregivers. Victoria Forster, Contributor Victoria Forster, Contributor content_66817781f4771b3d96d1f17c Sun, 30 Jun 2024 12:02:24 -0400 2024-06-30T15:26:45-04:00 The study found that babies who are encouraged to eat solid foods from the age of 6 months get similar calories to babies who are spoon fed pureed foods by caregivers. getty Healthcare /healthcare Innovation /innovation Healthcare /healthcare business pharma & healthcare standard Canada Monitors Milk For H5N1 Amid Outbreaks In U.S. Dairy Herds Canadian scientists are monitoring milk samples for signs of H5N1 avian influenza in dairy cows, with no positive results detected yet. Victoria Forster, Contributor Victoria Forster, Contributor content_667c47bb887bcd0d5b08ed23 Thu, 27 Jun 2024 16:22:47 -0400 2024-06-28T12:07:32-04:00 Canadian scientists are monitoring milk samples for signs of H5N1 avian influenza in dairy cows, with no positive results detected yet. getty Healthcare /healthcare Innovation /innovation Healthcare /healthcare business pharma & healthcare standard U.K. Smokefree Generation Bill In Danger After Election Announcement Legislation to make it illegal to sell any kind of tobacco products to young people in the U.K. looks likely to not be approved before the general election. Victoria Forster, Contributor Victoria Forster, Contributor content_664f4776a186221fe0594595 Thu, 23 May 2024 12:17:43 -0400 2024-06-04T01:32:40-04:00 Legislation to make it illegal to sell any kind of tobacco products to young people in the U.K. looks likely to not be approved before the general election. getty Healthcare /healthcare Innovation /innovation Healthcare /healthcare business pharma & healthcare standard AI More Likely To Wrongly Indicate Breast Cancer In Black Women An FDA-approved AI tool was more likely to wrongly indicate that Black women had breast cancer than with women of different ethnicities. Victoria Forster, Contributor Victoria Forster, Contributor content_664e203009beaa5a72b9c7ac Wed, 22 May 2024 13:11:01 -0400 2024-06-04T01:30:06-04:00 An FDA-approved AI tool was more likely to wrongly indicate that Black women had breast cancer than with women of different ethnicities. getty Healthcare /healthcare Innovation /innovation Healthcare /healthcare business pharma & healthcare standard Blood Test Could Detect Cancer Up To Seven Years Earlier A blood test to analyze proteins could detect cancer up to seven years before it is currently diagnosed, according to new research. Victoria Forster, Contributor Victoria Forster, Contributor content_664607eb8b45655ff3093ce6 Fri, 17 May 2024 10:21:23 -0400 2024-06-04T01:15:29-04:00 A blood test to analyze proteins could detect cancer up to seven years before it is currently diagnosed, according to new research. getty Healthcare /healthcare Innovation /innovation Healthcare /healthcare business pharma & healthcare standard Exercise Changes Perception Of Time, Says New Study Time seemed to pass more slowly during exercise, according to a new study. Victoria Forster, Contributor Victoria Forster, Contributor content_66438471f984d33880b98cdc Tue, 14 May 2024 12:10:59 -0400 2024-06-03T08:27:03-04:00 Time seemed to pass more slowly during exercise, according to a new study. getty Healthcare /healthcare Innovation /innovation Healthcare /healthcare business pharma & healthcare standard Deaf Toddler Hears For The First Time After Pioneering Gene Therapy The successful trial, now enrolling participants across the U.S. and Europe, could lead to a "viable treatment for genetic deafness," says researcher. Victoria Forster, Contributor Victoria Forster, Contributor content_663cebe0d6f6553d311b6813 Thu, 09 May 2024 12:34:59 -0400 2024-06-03T07:04:28-04:00 The successful trial, now enrolling participants across the U.S. and Europe, could lead to a "viable treatment for genetic deafness," says researcher. PA Images via Getty Images Healthcare /healthcare Innovation /innovation Healthcare /healthcare business pharma & healthcare standard Cats And Dogs Can Spread Antibiotic Resistant Superbugs To Owners Transfer of bacteria between sick pets and their humans may be contributing to antibiotic resistance, according to new research. Victoria Forster, Contributor Victoria Forster, Contributor content_661bdf964d2ae04bbabd96af Sat, 27 Apr 2024 13:56:10 -0400 2024-05-06T23:49:39-04:00 Transfer of bacteria between sick pets and their humans may be contributing to antibiotic resistance, according to new research. getty Healthcare /healthcare Innovation /innovation Healthcare /healthcare business pharma & healthcare standard Artificial Sweetener Could Seriously Damage Gut, According To New Study An artificial sweetener used in candy, cakes and cookies has been shown to cause significant gut cell damage in laboratory experiments. Victoria Forster, Contributor Victoria Forster, Contributor content_662aad198d37921e13abe3b1 Thu, 25 Apr 2024 16:14:42 -0400 2024-05-02T09:27:36-04:00 An artificial sweetener used in candy, cakes and cookies has been shown to cause significant gut cell damage in laboratory experiments. getty Healthcare /healthcare Innovation /innovation Healthcare /healthcare business pharma & healthcare standard AI Identifies New Potential Treatments For Parkinson’s Disease AI and machine learning techniques can be used to speed up the discovery of new drug candidates for serious diseases like Parkinson's and cancer. Victoria Forster, Contributor Victoria Forster, Contributor content_661ff6b3802cc45299587192 Thu, 18 Apr 2024 10:02:47 -0400 2024-06-03T06:58:34-04:00 AI and machine learning techniques can be used to speed up the discovery of new drug candidates for serious diseases like Parkinson's and cancer. getty Healthcare /healthcare Innovation /innovation Healthcare /healthcare Business /business Innovation Rx: Technologies /feature/innovation-rx/technologies business pharma & healthcare standard Experts Call For More Regulation Of At Home Microbiome Test Kits Experts say there is no way of defining a healthy microbiome and that some currently available tests may risk misleading consumers. Victoria Forster, Contributor Victoria Forster, Contributor content_65f37d1cb92b13284688f477 Fri, 15 Mar 2024 09:09:18 -0400 2024-05-29T17:28:25-04:00 Experts say there is no way of defining a healthy microbiome and that some currently available tests may risk misleading consumers. getty Healthcare /healthcare Innovation /innovation Healthcare /healthcare business pharma & healthcare standard AI identifies New Type Of Prostate Cancer There are two distinct types of prostate cancer, which may open the door to more personalized therapies, according to a new AI-driven study published today. Victoria Forster, Contributor Victoria Forster, Contributor content_65dfa11099dcae53ceff5b8a Thu, 29 Feb 2024 11:00:00 -0500 2024-07-02T07:31:41-04:00 There are two distinct types of prostate cancer, which may open the door to more personalized therapies, according to a new AI-driven study published today. getty Healthcare /healthcare Innovation /innovation Healthcare /healthcare AI /ai business pharma & healthcare standard