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Responsible Enforcement: How To Handle Copyright Disputes

Updated Jan 31, 2018, 02:48pm EST
This article is more than 6 years old.

Responsible Enforcement: How To Handle Copyright Disputes Online

Co-author Teri Karobonik contributed to this post*

You’ve started your business and covered all your bases. You’ve got contracts in place and you registered your copyrights and trademarks. But then it happens: you see your copyright or trademark reused without your permission. Or maybe, despite your carefully crafted contract, the videographer your hired to create a promo video won’t give you the video that you paid for. Or perhaps someone just said something really mean about you on the internet. What do you do?

There are many types of legal disputes that you might encounter when you own intellectual property. While we can’t tell you what to do in every situation, let’s break down many of the types of disputes you may encounter and provide some basic suggestions for responding to those disputes.

This is part of 1 of 3 about responsible enforcement in copyright disputes. The next two articles will be about trademark and defamation disputes. Copyright law can provide you a wealth of protection as a business owner, and is the source of many online disputes. Just recently, for example, Grumpy Cat’s owners sued a licensee company for copyright and trademark infringement beyond the existing license terms for “Grumppuccino” coffee and obtained a $710,000 settlement.  In the first part of this multi-part series, we address some of the most common copyright disputes, and focus on the do’s and don’ts of handling the infringement of your copyrights responsibly and effectively.

There are some general tips that you can apply to all types of disputes that you encounter

If you come away with nothing else, know that if you keep a level head, think rationally, and keep track of your records, you will be on a better path to resolution. Before we get into the specifics of copyright disputes, here are 5 key tips to apply in any type of dispute:

  1. Before you do anything, stop and take a breath: Many disputes become infinitely harder to solve because of unwise knee-jerk reactions, so one of the best things you can do is take a minute to evaluate the situation and think rationally.
  2. Don’t contact the other party when you’re angry: Similarly, although this might seem like common sense, belligerent emails, texts, tweets and snaps tend not to be the best way to solve any problems. Also keep in mind that there are certain people who really love to repost those belligerent or knee-jerk communications online, which could make solving your dispute so much more difficult. Take a beat or sleep on it before hitting send.
  3. Keep records of any materials related to the dispute: Not only will this make it easier for you to get legal advice if you need it, but if the dispute goes to court later on, intentionally destroying records could get you into trouble.
  4. Websites and apps aren’t generally liable for the illegal behavior of users: Laws like the Digital Millennium Copyright Act Safe Harbor and the Communications Decency Act Section 230 protect websites and apps from a broad range of legal liability for illegal acts of their users. If you have a dispute with a user of a service, you may be able to get the service to take some action for you (say with a DMCA takedown notice or by using the service’s flagging system). Outside of DMCA notices, which services are required to respond to, most actions that services take will be voluntary and not required by law. So be careful not to threaten legal consequences against a service without hiring an attorney who is experienced in internet law.
  5. When in doubt, seek out advice from an attorney: Sometimes, getting advice from an expert attorney, especially early in a dispute, can keep that dispute from escalating. It can even make the dispute quicker and easier to resolve.

The Do’s: Helpful tips for responsibly enforcing your rights under copyright law online

Copyright disputes can come in many forms, but it starts with the copyright owner recognizing that their content is used by someone else without their permission. As a copyright owner, you might not know what to do when you believe that someone is infringing on your work, or perhaps you think that legal threats and litigation are the only ways to solve the problem. Despite what you’ve seen on TV, showy speeches and nasty lawyer letters are often the worst way to resolve a copyright dispute. Most often than not, creative ways of handling infringement when it arises are better at combating copyright infringement. Below is a more effective approach:

  1. Do make sure you are the copyright owner

It may sound basic to some, but because only the copyright owner can enforce their copyright, you’ll want to make sure you actually own the copyright to your work before you start going after someone else.

  1. Make sure the work is actually infringing on your work

Sometimes when your work is reused, it can actually be completely legal and non-infringing. Here are a few common enforcement mistakes:

  • You’ve granted a license to someone to use your work and they are using it according to the terms of that license. This is not copyright infringement and you should not send a DMCA takedown notice
  • You’ve openly licensed your work and the person is reusing it under the terms of that open license. This is not copyright infringement and you should not send a DMCA takedown notice.
  • Although the work has a similar sounding name it is not, in fact, your work nor does it bear any relation to your work. This is not copyright infringement and you should not send a DMCA takedown notice.
  • The reuse would likely be considered fair use. This is not copyright infringement and you should not send a DMCA takedown notice. If you’re unsure whether the use is fair use you may want to reach out to an attorney for advice before you send that takedown notice
  1. Think about turning an infringing use into a new business partnership

Not everyone who reuses your copyrighted work without permission is a thief who wants to steal your stuff. Often fans of a work will want to use your work just outside the bounds of fair use but may not know who to contact to get a proper license or even how to negotiate a license. Situations like this can be a great opportunity to consider entering into a new licensing agreement that you would have never entered into otherwise, keeping your fan base happy and your wallet healthy.

  1. Think about the business and PR ramifications

Not all infringements are created equal, nor do they merit the same response. For example, let’s say a children’s cancer ward had a local musician come in to do a “music time” event where he and the kids sang your songs without getting permission. Although this is technically copyright infringement, your reaction here should be very different than your reaction to someone pirating your music then posing as you to resell it on iTunes, for obvious reasons. Particularly where the use is non-commercial, used in a small setting or used by people who aren’t legally savvy; even where there is copyright infringement, there is often a more productive way to handle infringement. For instance, in the example above, offering to come in and do “music time” with the kids or donating a few CDs would have much better PR ramifications than sending a nasty letter to a kids cancer ward.

  1. Document the infringement and any communications with the other party

The moment you send a cease and desist or a DMCA takedown notice, there is a very high likelihood that the content will disappear. While this may be what you want, if you need to escalate things later it will be hard to do so unless you have some actual evidence of the infringement, so be sure to document the infringement before you send that notice. Similarly, you’ll want to keep a record of any written correspondence you have with the other party just in case you need it later in court or to help your attorney better understand the situation.

  1. Register your copyright

Although you have to register your copyright before you bring a copyright lawsuit, there are two other reasons why promptly registering your copyright can help you enforce your rights under copyright law: attorneys’ fees and statutory damages. If you register your work with the US Copyright Office prior to infringement or within 3 months of publication, theses monetary awards could be available to you, which makes it far easier to find an attorney to represent you.

*A special note about registration for bloggers, journalists, video creators, and others who create a lot of content: while registration is fairly cheap per work (in some cases as low as $35), if you create many works a month, it can quickly get expensive to register everything. In this case you might register more selectively, including only the works you think will be most popular, or those that have already achieved popularity. An example might be a video creator whose channel has a few videos with hundreds of thousands of views consistently producing ad revenue, but many other videos that only have a few hundred total views. That video creator may choose to register just their most watched videos, as those are the videos that would be the most likely to be reproduced.

If you need to file a lawsuit, get an attorney…but keep in mind there are other means of dispute resolution.

Because copyright law is exclusively federal law, the only place you can bring a copyright lawsuit is in federal court. The success rates for people who represent themselves in federal court are absolutely dismal. Your odds of success will be much higher with a skilled copyright attorney on your side. That said, other forms of disputes resolution, such as mediation, could often be better, less expensive, and more effective choices where none of the parties involved have the resources to litigate the matter in court.

The Don’ts: Things to avoid when you need to enforce your copyrights

  1. Don’t be Batman!

There is a saying on the internet that you should always be yourself unless you can be Batman - if you can be Batman, then you should be Batman. But when it comes to copyright infringement, sometimes people who aren’t the copyright owner want to put on their superhero capes and fight for the rights of copyright owners whose rights were infringed without the knowledge of the copyright owner. This is a bad idea. Only the copyright owner is allowed to enforce their copyrights - not even the coolest of spandex clad vigilantes can enforce another person’s copyrights without their knowledge. You may feel the need to let the copyright owner know, but please don’t be Batman.

  1. Don’t take drastic measures just because you think you’ll lose your copyright.

You have no risk of losing your copyright for failing to enforce your rights. Often a more measured polite email is a better way to resolve problems than going in guns blazing.

  1. Don’t send a takedown because you don’t agree with what was said

The right to prevent other people from saying mean things about your work is not one of the rights granted by copyright laws, nor is it a valid reason to send a DMCA takedown notice.

  1. Don’t send a takedown notice as a way of resolving a licensing dispute

Even the most well written license can still result in a dispute. There are many ways of resolving licensing disputes, including talking to the other party and renegotiating the license. Hopefully you have a clear, human-readable agreement you can revisit to resolve your dispute. Even though you may need to send a takedown if all other efforts fail, sending a takedown should not be your first move.

  1. Don’t be afraid to stand your ground against a larger entity if they infringed your work

Sometimes large content owners, even those who pour millions into squelching every reuse of their work, legal and illegal, reuse the works of creators without permission. This is particularly common with things like viral videos. Although it may seem hopeless, if that larger entity infringed your copyright, don’t be afraid to stand up for your rights. They should at least be willing to play by their own rules.

  1. Be careful when hiring a company to enforce your rights online

There are many small companies purporting to help copyright owners crawl the internet to find, monetize and/or takedown infringing content. Not all of these companies are created equal. If you decide to use one of these services, do your research and particularly try to avoid companies who have a record of accidentally taking down the creators’ own works or properly licensed works. Also be sure to ask if they have any method for screening for probable fair uses so you avoid the PR disasters we talked about above.

Although not exhaustive, we hope this list of do’s and don’ts proves helpful if you find yourself in the unpleasant position of having to enforce your copyrights.

Moving Forward

Although reading this article won’t turn you into an expert on handling copyright disputes, hopefully we’ve provided enough of the basics to help you start researching some of these concepts on your own. Stay tuned for the second part of this series, where we will address how to effectively handle trademark infringement disputes.

If you have additional questions, comments, or want us to do a more advanced article on this topic or a series for Forbes, feel free to contact us with your questions, comments, and suggestions.

If you want to get beyond the basics, you can check out our book Don’t Panic :) A Legal Guide (in plain english) for Small Businesses and Creative Professionals, which covers intellectual property and many other legal issues you may encounter in your business. You can also sign up for our free IP 101 email course.

*Co-author Teri Karobonik is a member of the Product Counsel team at Twitter, where she supports a wide variety of products including Twitter's video products. She is @TeriKarobonik on Twitter. Prior to joining Twitter in 2016, Teri was a Staff Attorney at New Media Rights, and co-authored Don't Panic :) with Art Neill.


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