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What Is A Non-Fungible Token (NFT)?

Forbes Technology Council
Updated Apr 21, 2022, 09:34am EDT

CEO of We help brands, entrepreneurs, politicians and athletes acquire premium domain names for their vision. 

With cryptocurrency on the rise, an increasing number of artists, musicians and content creators are selling their work as non-fungible tokens (NFTs). Buyers can purchase NFTs exclusively with cryptocurrency, typically with Ethereum. NFTs have a number of advantages for artists, but due to their ties to cryptocurrency, many people have trouble breaking into the industry. Fortunately, NFTs are actually a simple concept that doesn't require extensive knowledge of technology. Here's what you need to know before you start building your own NFT collection.

My team and I act as brokers to help facilitate transactions for high-value NFTs, along with domains, businesses and other assets. I've found that a lot of people in our network currently lack knowledge about NFTs and why many are being deemed so valuable, so I hope this article offers you some insight.

What are non-fungible tokens?

A non-fungible token is a unique token attached to an asset. The term "non-fungible" means that NFTs can't be exchanged with other NFTs. You can exchange cryptocurrency without changing the value, but you can't exchange one NFT for another. Each NFT is a unique piece with its own distinct value. This makes NFTs particularly valuable because they're one-of-a-kind.

Creators can make just about anything an NFT, including artwork, GIFs, video clips, memes, music and digital trading cards. Buyers purchase NFTs from marketplaces like Open Sea and resell them later or display them in their public galleries. Many NFTs come with extra features — some that don't unlock until the NFT has been bought a second time. Artists can also collect royalties every time someone buys the NFT.

Like cryptocurrency, NFT ownership is recorded in a blockchain. This means that anyone can see who owns the NFT. This also means that you don't have to prove that you own an NFT — the evidence is freely available online. Only select cryptocurrencies like Ethereum have NFT capabilities, meaning that you have to invest in Ethereum if you want to buy and sell NFTs.

Why are NFTs so valuable?

NFTs often take the form of digital files that anyone can view. As a result, many people question whether NFTs are worth the cost. Why pay for an NFT when they can save the file on their hard drive and look at it whenever they want?

What people don't realize is that saving the file on your hard drive is like taking a picture of a famous painting. You can look at the painting any time, but you don't own the painting. A picture or replica has none of the value associated with the original. You can't sell it or count it as one of your investments, and nobody's going to want to look at the replica if they get the chance to see the original in a public gallery.

When you buy an NFT, you don't just buy the file. You buy the right to sell the NFT, display it online and take advantage of other features that might come with the asset. This makes NFTs an investment because you can potentially sell them later for a profit. Once you make a profit, you can use the Etherum to buy new NFTs or make other investments.

How do you buy NFTs?

To buy NFTs with crypto, you'll start by opening a digital wallet. A digital wallet holds a record of your balance and transactions. Most wallets automatically create an Ethereum account for you, which stores your information. This means that the wallet doesn't hold your cryptocurrency — it just makes it easy to access your data. Unlike bank accounts, you can easily switch to another provider without having to transfer your Ethereum.

Some wallets allow you to buy Ethereum directly through the platform. You could also check out a centralized exchange or peer-to-peer marketplace. If you already own cryptocurrency, you could visit a swapping platform to exchange your currency for Ethereum. Otherwise, you'll probably need to pay cash to stock up your wallet. The price of Ethereum fluctuates frequently, so it's hard to say how much it will cost from one week to another.

Once you buy Ethereum, you can start browsing NFT marketplaces. You'll find art, music, collectibles, trading cards and assets for video games and virtual worlds. Since NFTs have a public history, you can see if you're buying directly from the creator or a reseller. Some buyers prefer to buy directly from the artist so they get the most profits. While some NFTs are one-of-a-kind, others have a limited run or are part of a collection. However, every NFT has a unique token that prevents multiple people from owning the asset.

What can you do with NFTs?

NFT marketplaces have public galleries so you can display your collection on your profile. If you're a collector, you might be content with simply buying NFTs. You could also use NFTs as an investment by purchasing them now and reselling them with the value increases. Other options include giving NFTs as gifts or using the assets in a virtual game.

Like other investments, there's no guarantee that NFTs will increase in value. Many people have ended up selling their NFTs for a loss. However, others have earned hundreds or thousands of dollars in Ethereum by selling their NFTs at the right time. Ultimately, you have to decide if you want to take the risk.

Will NFTs always be profitable?

Currently, it's impossible to say whether NFTs will remain popular in the future. Some artists have sold their NFTs for millions of dollars, showing that NFTs are in high demand. However, this isn't the market standard — most NFTs sell for a much cheaper price. Since NFTs are tied to cryptocurrency, their success depends on how well Ethereum and other currencies stay afloat. Investing in NFT stocks could lead to large profits in the future, but it also requires a high initial investment. Study the market trends before you decide if you want to invest in NFTs or not.

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