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The Rising Dark Side Of Remote Work That CEOs Need To Pay Attention To


Remote work has brought newfound flexibility. And for many, improved work-life balance. However, it has resurrected some age-old workplace issues, such as presenteeism.

Presenteeism has long been a concern for leaders and organizations, often overshadowed by absenteeism. While absenteeism garners the spotlight, the impact of presenteeism is substantial. According to a Global Corporate Challenge (GCC) report, four days of absenteeism is lost yearly per employee, while presenteeism amounts to 57.5 days.

A study published in the early 2000s in the Journal of Occupational and Environmental Medicine estimated that presenteeism costs the United States over $150 billion annually. Fast forward to today’s digital age, where remote work has become the norm for many businesses, and the toll of presenteeism is likely even higher.

COVID Leads to The Rise of Digital Presenteeism

The COVID-19 pandemic dramatically shifted how we work. Remote work became an overnight mainstay and gave rise to a new phenomenon: digital presenteeism. Digital presenteeism involves employees maintaining a constant online presence to demonstrate their productivity and commitment, whether through email and notification responses or attending numerous virtual meetings.

Despite the necessity of remote work during this period, employee well-being suffered. Research commissioned by LinkedIn in partnership with The Mental Health Foundation revealed a significant portion of remote workers affected in various aspects:

  • 56% reported feeling more anxious or stressed
  • 24% struggled with their mental health
  • 31% reported difficulty sleeping during this period

Even as social distancing and the pandemic cease to exist, the lingering effects of remote work persist, with many employees never returning to the office.

The Impact of Digital Presenteeism

Like its traditional counterpart, digital presenteeism is a productivity and cultural drainer. Signs of digital presenteeism throughout the organization include:

  • Responding to work-related communications outside regular hours
  • Working while unwell
  • Exceeding agreed-upon working (and paid) hours
  • Decreased performance and increased exhaustion across the board
  • Detachment and disengagement

According to a Gallup study, disengaged employees are 2.6 times more likely to seek new employment opportunities than engaged employees. Transitioning standard office practices to the digital world offers a bevy of challenges.

For example, while in-office recognition and where you stand is commonplace, it’s often lacking in the virtual world. A 2,000-person survey conducted by Catalog and GitLab found that 54% of individuals feel pressured to maintain an online presence at specific times of the day rather than being encouraged to focus on their output—further contributing to the prevalence of digital presenteeism. In this same study, 68% of C-level executives felt “presenteeism” pressures more acutely.

With digital presenteeism still in its infancy, it has the potential to dramatically affect the organizational culture, productivity, and the bottom line. Here are two solutions leaders can begin to implement to help reel in digital presenteeism:

Schedule Frequent Check-Ins for Assurance

Frequent communication that doesn’t feel like surveillance from leaders can assure employees of concerns about fear of repercussions for taking time off and mitigate burnout. A 2018 Gallup report highlights the importance of communication after concluding that a lack of communication and support from leaders was one of the leading causes of burnout.

Promote a Culture of Wellness From the Top Down

Organizational culture starts at the top, with CEOs setting the tone. Policies, guidelines, and principles regarding the culture are only as effective as you allow them to be. As the most visible member of the organization, prioritizing personal well-being and establishing boundaries sends a clear message to employees. Additionally, integrating various wellness initiatives into your company, such as access to various telehealth resources, can support employee well-being.

While remote work offers numerous advantages to employees and employers, presenteeism threatens modern businesses' culture and bottom line, especially digital presenteeism. By staying proactive and having a wellness-centric culture, leaders can take a large step in navigating the residual effects of digital presenteeism and ultimately creating a happier, healthier, and more productive workforce.

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