In today’s fast-paced business landscape, efficient project management methodologies are crucial. Program Evaluation and Review Technique (PERT) is a network diagram that lets businesses manage project tasks. In this article, we’ll explain everything you need to know about PERT and show how you can effectively use it to achieve the best outcomes.

Definition of PERT

Program Evaluation and Review Technique (PERT) is a project management methodology that visually represents the time it takes to complete a project. At its core, PERT utilizes a network of diagrams to visually illustrate the sequence of activities in a project timeline and project milestones.

During the Cold War, the U.S. Navy developed PERT charts to coordinate complex defense projects such as the Polaris missile submarine program. Its primary goal was to provide a structured approach to project planning, allowing organizations to make informed decisions based on probabilistic analysis.

Elements of a PERT Chart

Let’s look at some of the most common elements of PERT.

  • Nodes: represent activities and tasks within a project. Circles or triangles usually represent them in a chart.
  • Arrows: the direction of the arrow represents the flow and sequence of work. An arrow is drawn from the predecessor activity to the successor activity, illustrating their logical relationship.
  • Float or Slack: refers to how long the team can delay a task without affecting the project’s completion time.
  • Critical path: refers to the longest path through the network diagram. A thick line or a different color represents it. Delays on the critical path will directly impact the project’s duration.
  • Lead time: the amount of time you should take to complete a task without affecting subsequent tasks.
  • Lag time: the minimum time it takes for a task to follow another.
  • Optimistic time estimate (O): the minimum time required to complete an activity under the best-case scenario.
  • Most likely time estimate (M): is the most realistic timeframe to complete an activity.
  • Pessimistic time estimate (P): the maximum time to complete an activity under the worst-case scenario.
  • Predecessor and Successor Relationships: refer to dependencies between activities symbolized by arrows connected to the nodes. In a team, predecessor activities must be done before another task begins, while successor activities can only start after an activity is completed.

Advantages and Disadvantages of PERT Charts

Using a PERT chart might look appealing, but it has pros and cons, depending on your business needs.


  • Visualization of Project Activities: Project managers and stakeholders get a visual representation of the project’s flow, making it easier to identify critical activities and potential bottlenecks.
  • Time Management: A PERT chart assigns optimistic, most likely and pessimistic time estimates to activities. Done right, project managers can estimate the time it takes to complete the project within specific timeframes.
  • Resource Allocation: Project managers can identify required assets and allocate resources effectively for each project stage to facilitate completion.
  • Risk Assessment and Management: Project managers can determine the critical path and identify tasks that significantly impact project completion. Also, they can find activities that are more susceptible to delays and develop appropriate contingency plans to mitigate risks.


  • Labor-Intensive: Making a PERT chart is a time-consuming and labor-intensive process. It requires careful analysis of activities and time estimates, which requires effort and resources.
  • Inaccurate Information: PERT relies heavily on time estimates. If time estimates are unreliable, they can lead to inaccurate project timelines.
  • Lacks Flexibility: A PERT chart is challenging to modify when deadlines change. As project requirements evolve, it can be challenging to maintain an accurate representation of the project’s status and financial positioning.

How Does a PERT Chart Work?

Follow these steps to create a PERT chart.

1. Identify Activities: Determine all the activities required to complete the project. Break it into small, manageable tasks with specific actions or deliverables.

2. Determine Dependencies: Consider the flow and order of the tasks. Identify activities the team needs to finish before others can start and establish the relationships between them.

3. Create the PERT Chart: Construct the PERT chart using nodes to represent activities and arrows to represent the sequence of tasks. Each node should have an activity name and corresponding time estimates.

Tasks on similar stages of production but remain on separate branches or paths are known as parallel tasks. They run independently of each other, but they can also occur simultaneously.

4. Assign Time Estimates: Assign time estimates showing the expected duration for completing each activity. There are usually three estimates: optimistic (O), most likely (M) and pessimistic (P).

Project managers can use the PERT formula to identify task duration based on different time estimates.

Here’s the formula:

(O + (4 × M) + P) / 6

Let’s say, the optimistic time is 20 minutes, the pessimistic time is 50 minutes and the most likely time is 35 minutes. Using the PERT formula, we can determine the completion time is around 35 minutes.

5. Define the Critical Path: Calculate the total time for each path by adding the activity duration. The critical path is the path with the longest duration.

6. Track Progress: Mark completed activities and adjusted time estimates as the project progresses.

PERT Chart Examples

Below are some examples of PERT charts that can help you get started.

Example 1: Designing an E-Book To Get Client Leads

In this PERT chart by Toggl, a team is designing an e-book to get leads and conversions. The chart shows the different tasks involved in creating an e-book and their duration.

Example 2: Constructing a House

Construction workers can use a PERT chart to determine the minimum time to complete a housing project and the predicted risks.

Example 3: Building a Website

Using a PERT chart, designers can monitor the tasks required to build a website and the time it takes to complete.

Bottom Line

PERT offers a structured approach to planning, scheduling and tracking complex projects. Project managers can allocate resources effectively and identify potential bottlenecks by providing a visual representation of the project flow and critical activities. If you need a solution to help facilitate project management, check out our article on the best project management software.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

What is the PERT method in project management?

Program Evaluation and Review Technique (PERT) is a project management technique that visually represents the project flow. It illustrates project tasks, their dependencies and the estimated time required to complete each task.

What is PERT in simple words?

PERT (Program Evaluation and Review Technique) is a project management method used to plan and organize complex projects. It provides project managers a structured approach to ensure projects are completed efficiently and within the desired timeframe.

What are the three types of PERT?

There are three types of time estimates used for estimating project duration: Optimistic Time (O), Most Likely Time (M) and Pessimistic Time (P). Optimistic time is the shortest duration in which an activity can be completed. Most Likely Time (M) is the most realistic timeframe, while Pessimistic time is the longest time it takes to finish an activity.

How do I calculate PERT?

You can assign time estimates that show the expected duration for completing each activity, such as: optimistic (O), most likely (M) and pessimistic (P). Then, you can use the PERT formula to identify task duration based on different time estimates. The formula is:

(O + (4 × M) + P) / 6