As the business world becomes more competitive, organizations seek more innovative ways to increase productivity without much cost. One of them is engaging contingent workers to perform specific tasks required to meet their goals.

Read on to find out what a contingent worker is, how they differ from company employees and the benefits and drawbacks of using contingent workers in your organization.

What Is a Contingent Worker?

A contingent worker is someone hired by an organization to perform specific tasks. Also called freelancers, independent contractors or 1099 workers, contingent workers are experts in their fields, lending their skills to an organization on a nonpermanent basis.

Contingent workers are hired on a project-by-project basis, which implies that they are only called to work when there’s a project. A business owner is not required to offer continuous work to them, except if there’s another project that requires their help.

A contingent worker is in charge of their work schedule, how to carry out tasks and where to carry out given tasks. Therefore, they may choose to work on-site or remotely, and can even choose work days or hours. All they need to do is get their tasks completed at an agreed-upon time.

Organizations do not add contingent workers to their payroll. Also, they do not pay them salaries or provide benefits such as health insurance and retirement plans as they would an employee.

Contingent Workers vs. Traditional Employees

Both contingent and traditional workers can help you perform tasks required to grow your business. They are skilled workers who will execute their roles to help you meet set goals, and you are required to pay them for their services.

Contingent workers will get the job done without the need to take on the responsibilities that accompany hiring full-time employees. However, you need to know the distinctions between a contingent worker and a traditional employee. Why? Misclassifying workers puts you at risk of penalties for noncompliance with the Internal Revenue Service (IRS).

Contingent Workers vs Traditional Employees [Compared]

  Contingent Workers Traditional Employees
Time Tracking
They work at their time and in any manner convenient for them.
Employees work during the organization’s stipulated work hours.
Ongoing work
Organizations are not obliged to offer new projects when the one they’re called to perform is complete.
Their employers keep providing them with tasks to perform.
Equipment and tools
Contingent workers work with their equipment and facilities without reimbursement.
Employees work with tools and facilities provided by their organization.
Contingent workers don’t receive salaries. You only need to pay them the amount agreed upon for each project.
They get paid salaries at the end of the week, the month or any time in their contract for employment.
They don’t receive benefits such as health insurance, paid time off and retirement plans.
Employees are entitled to such benefits.

Examples of Contingent Worker Roles

Contingent workers are found in almost any industry. Examples of contingent workers and their roles include:

  • Creatives: Photographers, videographers and graphic designers called upon to handle designs and capture moments at events and project executions.
  • Content writers: Copywriters, article writers, guides and reviews writers needed to create relevant content for organizations.
  • Brand ambassadors: Persons selected to help with advertising or representing a company for marketing projects, or for a period of time on social media or at physical locations.
  • Service operators: They are often called upon to render installation services, maintenance services, security services, etc.
  • Field/expert workers: Project managers, construction workers, engineers, architects, etc., with the requisite expertise for planning or executing plans.

Benefits of Hiring Contingent Workers

Several organizations prefer to hire contingent workers alongside their regular employees. Below are the main benefits you’ll get from hiring contingent workers to carry out some of your tasks.

It Saves Time

Hiring contingent workers means that you will save more time and get jobs completed faster. Contingent workers do not require the usual onboarding and continuous training organizations required for company employees. Also, they are experts who have carried out specific tasks such as designing a website and managing events repeatedly. So they complete tasks in good time.

It Saves Money

When you hire contingent workers, you’ll save operational costs you would typically spend on part-time or full-time workers. For instance, contingent workers do not require heavy onboarding processes or support from your human resources unit. Also, you won’t need to sponsor their training or provide them with employee benefits such as paid sick days, paid time off and health insurance or provide them with work equipment.

It Offers More Flexibility

Contingent workers are temporary workers. Since they work on a project-by-project basis, they can supplement your employees with any special skills they lack. These workers form a talent pool you can call when there is an influx of tasks or an urgent or new project, which is different from usual activities. With them, you will not need to pay a salary to a worker, who will not always have a role in your organization.

Enjoy Experts’ Input

Since contingent workers are not involved with everyday activities in your company, it’s easier for them to see existing gaps and provide you with necessary insight on essential aspects of your business. Also, they are skilled in specific areas, so they easily bridge necessary knowledge gaps lacking in your employees.

Drawbacks of Hiring Contingent Workers

Every business decision you make has consequences. While hiring a contingent worker comes with benefits to jump at, there are a few drawbacks you might want to consider. The main ones are below.

Less Control

You cannot manage the activities of a contingent worker. They choose their time of work and self-manage how their work gets done. Also, you can’t rely on them to be available for all projects, as they can leave at any time, unless you’ve signed a contract stipulating how long you have to work together.

There Are Increased Tax Risks

If you don’t classify them correctly, that is, declare an employee as a contingent worker, you can face compliance issues and be at risk of heavy fines and penalties with the government.

It Comes With Security Risks

Since contingent workers are not your employees, the hiring process is usually shorter and less intense, with fewer background checks. It thus poses your company at risk, since they access company information and resources along with your core employees.

There’s Reduced Learning

When a contingent leaves after a project, they walk out with what they learned on the job, meaning that your organization isn’t close to developing their skills in-house.

How To Pay Contingent Workers in 4 Steps

After using the classifications rules to determine that someone is a contingent worker and you’ve agreed upon compensation, follow the steps below to pay a contingent worker.

Here’s how to pay contingent workers in just four steps:

  1. Have them fill in their personal information and tax identification number in the independent contractor’s Form W-9.
  2. Include them in your payroll system. Payroll software such as Wave Payroll, Gusto, OnPay and Justworks will help you to sort out contractor payments, including skipping the first step.
  3. Pay them according to the agreed-upon schedule and method.
  4. To make the specified January 31 deadline for income report and tax filing, you’ll need to send a contingent worker Form 1099-NEC if they’ve earned above $600 during the year.

Businesses often use a payroll software to help make the process of paying both contingent workers and employers easier.

Bottom Line

Contingent workers are freelancers and consultants that can help you carry out tasks on a project or hourly basis. They provide flexibility to project completion and will help you save time and money, but you’ll need to be mindful of the tax and security risks that accompany them.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Is a contingent worker the same thing as an independent contractor?

Yes, a contingent worker is an independent contractor. They only carry out a specific project or work with you for the duration stipulated in your agreement.

Is an intern a contingent worker?

No, interns are not contingent workers. Unlike a contingent worker, who decides on their time and manner of work, an intern remains under supervision by the employee, and often sticks to the usual work manner of employees.

Should contingent workers get raises?

Yes, they should. While you can’t entice them with promotions, you can consider increasing their per-hour or per-project rates when they offer you value and improve upon their services.

What are some examples of contingent workers?

Some examples of contingent workers include photographers, graphic designers, writers, editors, brand ambassadors, service operators, project managers, construction workers, engineers and architects, to name a few.