Headaches after a car accident are not uncommon, but they can sometimes be a symptom of a head or neck injury. This guide explains what to do to get the medical care and legal compensation you are entitled to receive if you are suffering from a headache after a car accident.

Causes of Headache After a Car Accident

A headache after a car accident, also called a post-traumatic headache, is caused by the trauma of being involved in a motor vehicle collision. A headache might appear immediately after an accident, but a delayed onset post-traumatic headache that presents in the hours or days after the incident is also very common.

There are many reasons a headache might follow a car accident. The most common sources are direct trauma, such as an impact or whiplash, involving the head and or neck. People who experienced chronic headaches, migraines or other head pain before the accident occured may also notice that their headaches have increased in severity, frequency and or duration.

Headaches may also be the result of neck pain radiating to the head. The root causes of a headache following a car accident may vary, but all instances of head pain should be medically evaluated and treated immediately.

Types of Headaches After a Car Accident

Headaches can be painful and even disabling injuries that may result in further complications if not properly addressed. Common types of headaches after a car accident include:

Concussion headaches

Concussions headache symptoms are the result of a brain injury. A direct hit to the head or a violent and sudden jerk can cause the brain to impact the inner skull walls, leading to bruising and migraine headaches. Symptoms may include confusion, dizziness, nausea and vomiting, sensitivity to light and sound and ringing in the ears. Severe concussions can be identified by anxiety, memory loss surrounding the traumatic event, slurred speech and or sleep problems.

Fracture Headaches

A fracture or bone break in the skull or neck can lead to intense and crippling headaches. Symptoms may include pain that presents either in the back of the head or neck or close to the injury site, as well as confusion, nausea, slurred speech, neck stiffness or seizures.

Muscle Strain and Muscle Spasm Headaches

Sudden impact, such as during a car accident, can cause injury to the soft tissue in the head, neck or upper back. This commonly leads to strain or spasm of the muscles. In addition to a headache, symptoms may also include painful movement and a reduced range of motion, muscle tenderness, swelling or redness.

Disc Herniation Headaches

If the force of the accident has compressed or herniated any of the discs in your neck, it could cause headache.Symptoms could include weakness, numbness, tingling and burning pain. You might have impaired motion of your neck or arms.

Pinched Nerve Headaches

During a car accident, a sudden and violent jolt may cause compression of the nerve roots in the cervical spine, disc herniation or irritation of the greater occipital nerve (located at the base of the skull). Symptoms of a compressed or pinched nerve headache may include burning, tenderness, pain, numbness and tingling, often experienced from the base of the skull up the back of the head.

Whiplash Headaches

This is one of the most common causes of headaches after a car accident. They are caused by a sudden, rapid force on the head and neck, causing extreme extension and flexion of soft tissue. This headache often has delayed onset in the days or weeks following the crash.

What to Do for a Headache After a Car Accident

If you have been in a car accident and notice an onset of head pain, it could be a sign of injuries sustained in a car accident. It is critical to seek both timely medical evaluation and documentation in order to effectively pursue compensation for any accident-related losses resulting from your symptoms.

Seek Medical Treatment Immediately

Immediately following a car accident, seek medical care. Even if you do not feel injured, avoid making any statements completely denying injury, as delayed onset with headaches and other pain may occur in the hours or days that follow a crash.

A timely medical evaluation after a car accident is important to scan for and identify any injuries you may have, as well as catch those that could continue to worsen without proper care. Receiving a clear and complete diagnosis of your injuries, including an accident-related headache, is key evidence that will be required for any related legal claims. It will also be helpful to have detailed medical records of the type and extent of your injuries, as well as any current or ongoing medical treatment that is required, in order to support your claims.

Don’t Wait and Tough It Out

Left untreated, head and neck pain can lead to further complications and serious injury. If you sustained injury to the head or neck or are experiencing painful symptoms, an emergency room visit is strongly advised.

Consult a Car Accident Attorney

Headaches and soft tissue injuries are often challenging to prove to insurance adjusters or in personal injury litigation, yet they can be among the most debilitating and painful symptoms car accident victims experience. Legal representation can help ensure you recover any and all losses caused by the collision.

A personal injury attorney who is experienced in car accident cases can evaluate the specific details of your case and determine the best way to navigate the legal process. They can also act as a liaison between medical care providers, insurance adjusters and lawyers on all sides to help you get the best possible outcome.

Prepare an Insurance Claim or Personal Injury Lawsuit

Many car accident cases settle outside of court, and a personal injury attorney can help ensure a settlement is complete and fair before you accept the terms. This should include the full spectrum of damages you accrued from the accident, including economic damages (vehicle damage, medical bills, lost wages, loss of future income) and non-economic damages (such as pain and suffering).

However, if you feel the other side may be trying to lowball their offer or deny your claims entirely, you may decide to pursue a personal injury lawsuit.

Every state has its own statute of limitations, which is the time limit to file a lawsuit based on the type and date of the incident. If you are unsure of your state’s statute of limitations and when your deadline is to file your car accident lawsuit, your attorney can advise you.

Frequently Asked Questions

When should I go to the doctor for a headache after a car accident?

A medical evaluation should take place as soon as possible following an auto collision. If you experience a headache after a car accident, seek medical care immediately.

Should I get my head checked after a car accident?

Yes. Car collisions often involve violent, sudden movements that could injure the head and neck. Pain, headaches and other symptoms might have delayed onset in the hours or days following the incident, so even if you do not immediately experience symptoms, you should get evaluated by a licensed medical professional. Let your doctor know if the accident resulted in any blows, jolts or other extreme forces on the head and neck.

Is a headache normal after a car accident?

Headaches are common symptoms after a car accident and can be caused by a number of factors. Talk to a medical provider if you are concerned about developing or new symptoms related to an accident-related headache or head injury.