If you are hurt on the job in Florida, you can recover compensation for your injuries through the state’s workers’ compensation program. This Florida workers’ comp settlement chart helps you understand what to expect when you are making a claim after a work injury.

Florida Workers' Comp Settlement Chart: Degree of Impairment

This Florida workers’ comp settlement chart shows your permanent impairment rating and the
number of weeks of pay you’re allowed.

Permanent Impairment Rating Number of Weeks Paid
1% to 10% Two weeks per percentage point
11% to 15% Three weeks per percentage point
16% to 20% Four weeks per percentage point
21% or greater Six weeks per percentage point

Once you have reached maximum medical improvement (MMI – the point at which your medical condition will not improve) if you are still disabled and if a qualified physician has assigned you an impairment rating (the percent that identifies what level of impairment you have with that body part), you are entitled to receive pay for a specific number of weeks based on that impairment rating.

When you receive workers’ compensation benefits, you get your medical bills paid and may receive full or partial disability benefits either temporarily or permanently.

If you are permanently totally disabled, you will be entitled to two-thirds of your pre-injury income up to a maximum limit set by the state. If you have an impairment rating of above 20%, you may be classified as permanently disabled and not able to return to your job ever so may be entitled to continue to receive payments.

But if you are permanently partially impaired, you may only be able to receive payment for a limited time. The table above shows how long payments can be made. The payments build upon each other, so if you are 19% impaired, you would receive benefits equal to:

  • 20 weeks (for the first 10%)
  • 15 weeks (for the 11% to 15%)
  • 16 weeks (for the 15% to 19%)

This would mean benefits would be paid for a total of 51 weeks. Your payment would equal 75% of the disability rate (two-thirds of your wages up to the state max) and would be made for the appropriate number of weeks. If you are  able to return to work at your pre-injury salary, though, this compensation is cut in half.

Florida Workers' Comp Settlement Chart: Compensation for a Lost Body Part

The Florida workers comp settlement chart below is also important because it shows the maximum amount of money you can expect to receive under Florida’s workers’ comp system for the loss of various body parts.

Body Part Maximum Compensation
Arm $186,293
Leg $110,513
Hand $163,559
Thumb $42,311
Index Finger $14,525
Middle Finger $14,525
Ring Finger $6,315
Pinky $6,315
Foot $65,045
Big Toe $6,315
Eye $49,889
Table Source: ProPublica

Remember, this is the maximum available to you if you lose a body part and make a work injury claim in Florida. If you return to work at the same or greater wage as you were earning prior to the injury, your compensation will be halved.

Why Do These Florida Workers' Comp Settlement Charts Matter?

Workers’ comp claims are different from most other kinds of injury cases. Typically, if someone hurts you–such as a negligent driver or a careless doctor–you can sue for personal injury or medical malpractice.

When you file a lawsuit, you have to prove negligence or wrongdoing. If you succeed, you receive compensation for medical bills, lost wages, pain and suffering and emotional distress. You may even be able to recover punitive damages, up to a capped amount. The goal of the settlement is to make you whole for losses, and you could receive tens of thousands or even millions of dollars.

In a workers’ comp claim, though, you cannot sue your employer. You must recover compensation through the workers’ comp system. And state law limits the types and amounts of compensation available through workers’ comp, with those limits based on the level of impairment and the nature of your disability.

If you are initiating a workers’ comp claim or are considering settling your claim, you should understand these Florida workers’ comp settlement charts to get a more realistic picture of the funds that may actually be available to you.

While you cannot get compensation from an employer for things like pain and suffering and emotional distress, the upside of the workers’ comp system is that it can be easier to make your claim and recover payment for losses. That’s because you do not have to prove negligence in order to get a payout–your employer is always responsible for covering injuries that occurred on duty regardless of fault.

Getting Help With a Workers' Compensation Claim in Florida

Although state workers’ comp rules affect your potential payout in a workers’ comp claim, workers can receive differing amounts of money for similar injuries depending on many factors including their impairment rating–which can be subjective.

Consider getting professional legal help from an experienced Florida work injury lawyer to help you get the most money possible. Your attorney can guide you through the entire work injury process, including helping you to decide whether to accept a workers’ comp settlement offer.

The workers’ comp system can be complicated and you don’t want to leave money on the table, so be sure to work with an attorney as you navigate this process while dealing with your work-related injuries.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

How long does it take to settle a workers' comp claim in Florida?

The length of time it takes to settle a workers’ comp claim varies based on many factors including the complexity of the case. In general, you can expect it to take around 12 to 18 months to resolve your claim. Getting help from a workers’ comp lawyer helps you resolve your case as efficiently as possible and helps you maximize the settlement you receive.

Does surgery increase workers' comp settlement in Florida?

Workers’ compensation benefits cover your medical bills and wage loss due to disability. If you need surgery, you will incur higher medical costs for this treatment. If you are settling your case before the surgery takes place, be certain your workers’ compensation settlement provides the money you need to pay the bills for it.

What is the average workers' comp settlement in Florida?

The average workers’ compensation settlement in Florida is around $20,000 but the amount of your settlement could be above or below average. The severity of your injuries, the effect they have on your ability to work and the permanence of your injuries will affect the amount of workers’ compensation benefits you are entitled to receive.