Our Mission

Smart Financial Decisions Made Simple

Forbes Advisor Canada is dedicated to helping you turn your aspirations into reality. We do this by providing you with the knowledge and research you need to make informed financial decisions you can feel confident in, so you can get back to doing the things you care about most.

This mission is not something we take lightly. We promise to keep you current on how the world around us impacts your bottom line and to arm you with clear, impartial, practical advice you can trust, so making decisions about your money feels simple and smart, not stressful.

Our Team

The Forbes Advisor editorial team boasts decades of experience in the personal finance space. We’re passionate about helping you make the financial decisions and choose the financial products that are right for your life and goals.

The team brings rich industry knowledge to Advisor’s coverage of consumer credit, debt, banking, investing, insurance, loans, real estate and travel. Our priority is ensuring the coverage, reviews and advice we bring you is backed by research, deep expertise and strict methodologies.

Editorial Policies

The Forbes Advisor editorial team is independent and objective. Our reviews and “best” rankings are created using strict, published methodologies and are driven solely by the editorial team in concert with industry professionals as needed. Content is informed by in-depth research, independent data gathering, analysis and expert insights.

Our Business

Journalistic integrity is the key to our success. To support our reporting work, our business team (a group separate from our editorial team) reviews our content after it’s written and identifies potential advertising opportunities. That team then secures compensation from some of the brands identified in our content. These commissions enable us to provide expertly written, research-backed, data-rich content for free to our readers. To learn more, visit our advertising disclosure page.

Our Team

  • Editorial
  • Contributors

Katie Doyle

VP of Content

Katie is an award-winning journalist who has led the editorial teams at Bankrate, HerMoney, Interest, Bargaineering and Bankaholic. She has covered, assigned and edited personal finance and related content at national web publications and newspapers for more than a decade.

Alberto Riva

International Editor in Chief

As International Editor in Chief, Alberto runs the Forbes Advisor sites outside of the US. Previously, he was a senior editor at NextAdvisor and the managing editor of The Points Guy and Vice News. He got his start in journalism as a reporter in his native Italy covering finance and transportation, then crossed the ocean to work for CNN in Atlanta and later Bloomberg in New York.

Aaron Broverman

Lead Editor

Aaron Broverman is the lead editor of Forbes Advisor Canada. He has over a decade of experience writing in the personal finance space for outlets such as Creditcards.com, creditcardGenius.ca, Yahoo Finance Canada, NerdWallet Canada and Greedyrates.ca. He lives in Waterloo, Ontario with his wife and son.

Courtney Reilly-Larke

Deputy Editor

Courtney Reilly-Larke is the deputy editor of Forbes Advisor Canada. Previously, she was the associate editor of personal finance at MoneySense. She was also managing editor of Best Health Magazine and has contributed to publications such as Cottage Life and Blog TO. She currently lives in Toronto.

Fiona Campbell

Staff Writer

Fiona Campbell is a Staff Writer for Forbes Advisor Canada. She started her career on Bay Street, but followed her love for research, writing and a good story into journalism. She is the former editor of Bankrate Canada, and has over 20 years of experience writing for various publications, including the Globe and Mail, Financial Post Business, Advisor’s Edge, Mydoh.ca and more.

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Award Enquiries: awards@forbesadvisor.com
Editorial Enquiries & Product Pitches: getintouch@forbesadvisor.com
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