Bananas are known to be rich in potassium, as well as vitamins B and C, magnesium and fiber.

And, it turns out, they happen to be a healthy snack for your dog.

Here’s a look at how to safely feed your dog bananas, as well as its nutritional benefits for your pup.

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Can Dogs Eat Bananas?

Yes, dogs can eat bananas.

“[Bananas] are a safe and nutritious fruit for most dogs due to their high fiber and vitamin content, however, they are not necessarily a low calorie fruit, so [they] can contribute to weight gain if given in high enough quantities,” says Dr. Beth Waisburd, D.V.M., senior veterinarian for Small Door Vet, a chain of veterinary facilities in the Northeast.

In general, most fruits are safe to share with your furry companion, and that includes bananas.

And while bananas are a healthy treat packed with essential vitamins and minerals, it’s important to remember that moderation is key.

“Too many bananas can lead to an upset stomach, so it’s best to offer them in small quantities,” says Dr. Lindsay Butzer, D.V.M., veterinarian at Clint Moore Animal Hospital in Boca Raton, Florida.

There are, however, some dogs that should not be given bananas.

Bananas should not be given to “dogs with kidney disease, which can result in an elevation in potassium, and dogs with a history of constipation (that has required medical intervention),” says Dr. Mathieu Glassman V.M.D., a board certified veterinary surgeon and the founder and CEO of Dr. Cuddles, a pet-care company.

Glassman notes that bananas are high in potassium, which can harm dogs with other diseases. Dogs with kidney disease, for example, typically have high potassium to begin with, which means bananas would further heighten their levels and cause further negative effects on their health.

Additionally, high potassium in the blood can affect the ability of the colon to contract and expel feces. Therefore, if an animal has medically significant constipation, adding more potassium by feeding it bananas would not be ideal.

Can Puppies Have Bananas?

Puppies can safely enjoy bananas. However, they have a more sensitive digestive system compared to adult dogs, so moderation is key.

“It’s important to introduce new foods slowly and in small amounts,” Butzer says. “Start by giving them a tiny piece of banana and observe how they react. If they tolerate it well, you can gradually increase the portion size over time.”

Butzer adds that owners should always keep an eye out for any signs of digestive upset, just to be on the safe side. Bananas should be part of a balanced and proper diet that provides all the essential nutrients to a growing puppy.

How Many Bananas Can a Dog Eat?

Moderation is key when it comes to treats, including fruits like bananas.

“The general rule is that treats, including bananas, should not make up more than 10% of a pet’s daily caloric intake to avoid creating nutritional imbalances,” says Dr. Rebecca Greenstein, D.V.M., veterinary medical advisor for Rover.

“Your vet is an invaluable resource for helping you to determine your individual dog’s calorie needs per day,” Greenstein adds.

Bananas are also high in sugar and fiber, notes Dr. Wendy Hauser, D.V.M., founder of Peak Veterinary Consulting and special advisor to the ASPCA Pet Health Insurance program.

“Even giant breed dogs should receive less than a whole banana a day,” Hauser says. “My lab only gets about one-quarter banana maximum and savors every bite!”

How To Safely Feed Bananas to Dogs

The safest way to feed your dog bananas is to peel them and then cut them into small, manageable pieces.

“Bananas can be fed freshly sliced, in frozen chunks, or mashed or blended to spread onto lick mats or used as filling for toys,” Greenstein says.

And even if you’re feeding your dog bite-sized pieces of bananas, make sure not to go overboard.

“Too much of a good thing, even bananas, can lead to upset tummies and due to the high fiber content, diarrhea,” Hauser says. “Due to the high sugar content, bananas should be avoided for diabetic dogs.”

Butzer notes that dogs only need about 20 mg of potassium a day. One banana has about 422 mg of potassium.

Are Bananas Good for Dogs?

Bananas are a healthy, occasional treat for your dog.

“They provide fiber, vitamins, and minerals that can benefit their health,” Waisburd says.

Health Benefits of Bananas for Dogs

Bananas are full of heart and digestive healthy nutrients for your dog. The health benefits of bananas include:

  • Rich in potassium and magnesium: Potassium and magnesium are both helpful for healthy cardiovascular function.
  • High in fiber: The high fiber in bananas is great for digestive health and can regulate bowel movements. The fiber content also helps pets feel fuller and more satiated.
  • High in antioxidants and vitamin C: Bananas provide vitamins and nutrients to support the dog’s immune system.
  • Low in calories and naturally fat-free: They make an excellent snack and treat for those dogs needing to lose weight.

Other Fruits Dogs Can Eat

Fruits make a healthy, nutritious snack for dogs that not only taste good but boost their immunity, support metabolic function and can help dogs maintain a healthy weight. They are also a great replacement for high-calorie pet treats.

There are a wide variety of fruits which are both safe and beneficial to give your dog:

It’s always best to cut up harder fruits into smaller, bite-size pieces, as well as remove any seeds, core, stem and peel.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Can Dogs Eat Banana Peels?

Dogs technically can eat banana peels since there’s no toxic risk, but it’s best to avoid giving them to your dog.

“They are of questionable palatability and because they are so fibrous, they can be tough for your dog to break down and digest, which creates a risk of internal blockage,” says Dr. Rebecca Greenstein, D.V.M., veterinary medical advisor for Rover.

Can Dogs Eat Dried Bananas?

It depends on the banana chip.

“Dried banana chips with no preservatives or artificial sweeteners are safe for dogs in small quantities and only occasionally, due to the high caloric and sugar content,” says Dr. Wendy Hauser, D.V.M., founder of Peak Veterinary Consulting and special advisor to the ASPCA Pet Health Insurance program.

Since many banana chips are often deep-fried, it’s best if owners make their own in a dehydrator or bake them in the oven.

Owners should keep in mind that banana chips are often quite hard, which can lead to a broken tooth for your dog.

“If you can’t make an impression in the chip with your thumbnail, then it’s too hard,” Hauser adds.

Can Dogs Eat Frozen Bananas?

Yes, dogs can eat frozen bananas.

“Frozen bananas can be a refreshing treat for dogs, especially during hot weather,” says Dr. Mathieu Glassman V.M.D., a board certified veterinary surgeon and the founder and CEO of Dr. Cuddles, a pet-care company. He advises owners to peel and cut bananas into appropriate-sized pieces before freezing.

“Owners can also mash the banana and place it in a toy, like a Kong, and freeze it to keep their dog entertained,” Glassman adds.

Can Dogs Eat Bananas and Peanut Butter?

Dogs can eat bananas and peanut butter.

“This combination can make for a tasty and nutritious treat, but be cautious about portion size to avoid excessive calorie intake,” says Dr. Beth Waisburd, D.V.M., senior veterinarian for Small Door Vet, a chain of veterinary facilities in the Northeast.

Waisburd notes owners should ensure the peanut butter is free of xylitol, a commonly-used sweetener that is toxic for dogs.