Owning a dog is a huge responsibility and for many pet parents, the thought of their pooch needing surgery is something they hope to never have to face. Not only is it financially stressful, but depending on the health issue it could be emotionally taxing as well. Thankfully, entropion, technically referred to as “blepharoplasty,” is not life-threatening and can be remedied with minimal surgery.

Entropion is a disorder that causes the dog’s eyelid to roll inward toward the eye. When this happens, the dog’s eyelashes rub against the cornea, causing irritation. This can occur in one or both eyes and is a common hereditary issue in dogs.

It’s especially prevalent in brachycephalic (flat-faced) breeds such as pugs or English bulldogs—in fact, a 2021 study of 93 brachycephalic dogs found more than one-fifth (22%) of them had entropion. Other breeds that are predisposed to the condition include Pomeranians, shih tzus, rottweilers and many others.

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There are two categories of entropion: primary and secondary. Primary entropion is the most common entropion and is caused by genetics. Any other cause of entropion is considered secondary entropion, a less common form. This can show up as spastic entropion, which stems from untreated eye issues such as a corneal ulcer (an open wound on the cornea), cicatricial entropion (a scarred eyelid) or entropion caused by nerve damage, infection or dermatological conditions like pyoderma or ringworm.

Not to worry though, as entropion can be treated with surgery, which corrects the dog’s eyelid to avoid further eye irritation and scarring.

How Much Does Entropion Surgery for Dogs Cost?

The cost of entropion surgery for dogs can range anywhere between $300 and $2,000. Many factors can affect what the ultimate cost comes out to, such as your location and your dog’s health condition, so it’s important to check with your dog’s vet on what you will be charged for before agreeing to the surgery.

Factors That Affect the Cost of Entropion Surgery

A veterinarian’s experience is just one factor that could affect the overall cost of entropion surgery. “Is it a specialist doing it, where they get paid a higher dollar for their [extensive] training? [Or is it a] veterinarian who’s done some continuing education and feels comfortable doing it? Obviously, it’s going to be a price difference,” explains Dr. Lawrence Putter, D.V.M., a veterinarian and owner of Lenox Hill Veterinarians in New York City.

Other factors that may affect the cost of entropion surgery include:

  • Your location. Prices may vary based on which state you live in. So if you live in a city that has a higher cost of living, entropion surgery may be more due to increased overhead costs and higher rent and property taxes. It may be more expensive in New York City than in Florida, for instance.
  • The veterinarian’s experience. If a general veterinarian performs the surgery, its cost will be on the lower end, around $300 to $500, according to Embrace Pet Insurance. However, if a veterinary surgeon or ophthalmologist (a doctor focusing on eye issues) conducts the surgery, prices will fall on the higher end, around $500 to $1,500.
  • Your dog’s health condition. Putter explains that your dog will need to be healthy enough to undergo anesthesia during entropion surgery. If it has health complications such as liver disease or heart disease, this could make the operation more problematic. To adjust the surgery for your dog’s particular needs, the vet may increase the overall cost.
  • Your pet insurance company and plan. There are many pet insurance companies, but their prices and coverage vary. Entropion may be fully covered, partially covered or not covered at all based on which company and plan you are currently enrolled with.

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Symptoms of Entropion in Dogs

Entropion visibly affects a dog’s eyelids, making it a condition that’s easy to detect. Just by looking closely at your dog’s eyes, you can notice the eyelid rolling inward toward the eye. According to Putter, other symptoms to look out for include:

  • Tearing from the eyes
  • Squinting
  • Yellow or green discharge from the eye
  • Corneal ulcers or ulcerative keratitis

It’s significant to note that in some brachycephalic breeds with medial entropion, there may be no apparent signs of discomfort. Medial entropion affects the corner of the eyes near the dog’s nose.

If you notice any of these symptoms or believe your dog may have entropion, take them to the vet. It’s best to get a professional diagnosis to assess the level of severity, especially because in most cases of entropion, surgery is required.

Can Entropion Be Prevented?

Since primary entropion is hereditary, it cannot be prevented. When it comes to secondary causes such as corneal ulcers, it’s crucial to get the eye issue checked out by a vet as soon as possible to avoid or even reduce the possibility of secondary entropion.

You can help prevent other dogs from getting primary entropion by choosing not to breed your affected dog.

Is Entropion Surgery Required for Dogs with Entropion?

Primary entropion tends to develop when a puppy is about 18 to 24 months. If the pup is under 12 months and the condition is causing irritation to its eye, a procedure known as “eyelid tacking” will be recommended. This attempts to correct the entropion in place of surgery since puppies are too young to endure it.

Eyelid tacking involves placing removable stitches above or below the affected eyelids to try to roll them away from the cornea. Sometimes the eyelid tacking—which can take weeks or months depending on where the puppy is in its development—will work and no surgery will be needed. But in others, the entropion will not go away and surgery will be the next step.

Putter says there may be some mild cases of secondary entropion where surgery isn’t necessary. In the rare instance that your dog’s entropion is mild and doesn’t require surgery, treatment will usually include antibiotic ointment and/or eye lubricating drops.

But in most primary entropion cases, surgery will be necessary. “[Entropion] is not an issue we want to sit on if it’s irritating the surface of the eye,” explains Putter. “[Over time dogs] will [develop] chronic changes to the cornea that’s going to interfere with their vision and cause discomfort.”

Similar to cherry eye, another eyelid condition, surgery is the only permanent solution for entropion. Unresolved entropion can lead to chronic irritation and painful corneal ulcers, which in severe cases could jeopardize the eye and result in blindness. Putter notes, however, that it’s extremely rare— in his three decades in the veterinary field, he’s never seen a dog lose its eyesight due to an ulcer.

Entropion surgery may seem like a relatively simple procedure because it only involves removing a piece of skin from the affected eyelid. But it can be compared to plastic surgery in humans—it requires skill.

The best step you can take to prepare for your dog’s entropion surgery is to select the right vet. “The key is making sure that whoever’s doing [the surgery] is comfortable and well-versed in their technique so [the dog] doesn’t have any post-operative issues,” Putter says.

Post-operative issues are rare but can include overcorrection or under-correction. The latter arises when not enough eyelid skin is removed to correct the entropion. The former transpires when a surgeon “overcorrects” the entropion by removing too much skin, causing ectropion (when an eyelid abnormally rolls outward.) Due to this, some surgeons opt to do a second corrective surgery after the initial one to lessen the chance of a dog developing ectropion.

What Is Recovery Like for Dogs After Entropion Surgery?

Recovery after entropion surgery is almost always a breeze. It takes just 10 to 14 days to heal, according to Putter.

“[The dog] will be happier, in less pain and they’ll be saving their eyesight,” Putter says.

When you pick up your dog from the vet after the surgery, don’t be alarmed if you notice swelling or inflammation around its eyes. The eyelids may also seem a bit overcorrected but will return to normal during the healing process.

During recovery, you’ll likely be instructed to administer artificial tear lubricants to your dog. Oral or topical antibiotics, anti-inflammatories or painkillers may also be recommended. There will be some remaining stitches around the eye that will need to be protected; after about two weeks, you’ll revisit the vet for removal. In the meantime, you can prevent your dog from pawing at them during recovery with an Elizabethan collar.

Putter emphasizes that even though you may feel sad to see your dog in the Elizabethan collar, it’s essential to keep it on. “It’s tough love. Short-term discomfort for long-term gain,” he advises.

What’s Included in the Cost of Entropion Surgery for Dogs?

What’s included in the cost of entropion surgery will vary based on which veterinarian practice you go to and which pet insurance company and policy you have. Typically, the cost for entropion surgery will include the surgery itself, the stitches placed around your dog’s eye(s) and the provided Elizabethan collar.

What’s Not Included?

The surgery is already pretty pricey but unfortunately, that cost likely won’t include everything. “Everything’s a la carte in medicine,” Putter explains, pointing out that required post-surgery medications such as antibiotics and eye-lubricating drops would presumably be a separate cost.

Other things that may result in a separate charge include:

  • The initial consultation to diagnose your dog with entropion
  • Pre-operative blood work
  • Anesthesia (or other precautions if your dog cannot handle regular anesthesia)
  • The follow-up visit to remove the stitches and any other required visits
  • A second surgery, if needed

Does Pet Insurance Cover Entropion Surgery for my Dog?

It’s vital to research what pet insurance typically covers, as coverage for entropion surgery may differ. According to the National Association of Insurance Commissioners, most pet insurance companies tend to exclude pre-existing and hereditary conditions in their coverage. Because primary entropion is genetic, it’s almost always considered a pre-existing condition.

“It depends on your policy,” explains Putter. “If it’s pre-existing, [the pet insurance companies] don’t want to pay for it. They cover things going forward but not backward usually.”

If your dog’s entropion was diagnosed by a vet before your policy started, it will likely not be covered. In these cases, you could ask if your pet’s veterinarian offers payment plans. Another option may be crowdfunding through platforms like GoFundMe or Fundly. Lastly, you could finance the surgery through a credit card, such as CareCredit—but always be aware of any interest charges you may incur if you don’t pay your balance off in full each month.

If your dog has been insured past your insurance policy’s waiting period and you discover the entropion, there’s a chance it could be covered based on the policy. Some pet insurance companies do cover pre-existing conditions, so if you know your dog’s breed may be susceptible to entropion, they’re worth taking a peek at.