Using Exercise To Heal After COVID-19


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Alena Hall Editor
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Editor’s Note: In “Hey, Health Coach,” Sarah Hays Coomer answers reader questions about the intersection of health and overall well-being. Have a question? Send her a message (and don’t forget to use a sleuthy pseudonym!).

Send Your Question to Sarah Now

Hey, Health Coach,

I’ve had COVID, and while I’m technically over it, I’m still fatigued and struggling. How can I start to incorporate some exercise into my routine? I’m terrible at doing things gently and usually just jump feet first and give an activity my all. Every time I get sick, I feel like I start at square one. How can I use exercise to heal?

— Post-COVID Fatigue

Dear Post-COVID Fatigue,

Your question says a lot in just a few words. Before COVID, you were able to push your body and recover with relative ease. Now, recovery isn’t so simple, and it sounds like getting sick may have taken a toll not only on your physical well-being, but on your confidence as well.

If you’ve lost trust in your body’s ability to come through each time you land back at “square one,” trying again can feel increasingly difficult, but the way you phrased your question speaks volumes.

You didn’t ask, “How can I conquer this fatigue?” You asked, “How can I use exercise to heal?” You didn’t need a health coach or anyone else to tell you that exercise is a tool for recovery. That approach might not be the way you utilized it in the past, but it might come more easily than you imagine now.

I’m guessing you already know that regaining your strength will require gradual progress.

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You can find specific information about getting motivated to exercise in a previous Hey, Health Coach column where a reader asked, “How can I get motivated to start (and stick with) a workout plan?” In it, you’ll find ways to:

  • Identify what kind of movement you’re craving (it might be different than before)
  • Make small changes and be sure you’re getting instant gratification along the way
  • Shift your thinking about procrastination
  • Start exploring your options

You can also find actionable tools to build reliable, healthy routines here, but I’m not sure “motivation” is what’s getting in your way.

Motivation is a form of longing. In fact, research shows it can originate in both the conscious and subconscious mind, which makes it a slippery thing to manipulate[1]. Regardless, it’s an authentic hunger for something—energy, strength and flexibility, in this case—and you appear to have that hunger in abundance.

Your body might not be cooperating—yet—but you’re well on your way, motivated and focused on using exercise to help you heal. The evidence shows you’re onto something there.

Exercise After COVID-19

Ten to 20% of SARS-CoV-2 patients who undergo an acute symptomatic phase experience effects of the virus more than 12 weeks after infection, according to a 2021 report in the International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health. What’s more, the report stated that regular exercise may improve many of these symptoms and could reduce the long-term effects of COVID-19[2]. Additional research recommends cardiopulmonary testing for people wanting to return to vigorous exercise after a COVID-19 diagnosis[3].

In other words, the limitations you’re experiencing are real, and exercise can help—though it’s a good idea to check with your doctor to make sure you’re safe to work out again. If you get the green light, you’re free to proceed slowly and steadily. I understand that might not be easy for someone who doesn’t enjoy taking it slow, so I wonder how you would answer the following question:

Setting aside what you used to do, what qualifies as an accomplishment for you now?

When we limit our understanding of “fitness” to traditional exercise, we miss out on countless opportunities to improve our health while simply going about our daily lives.

What aspect of your health are you planning on prioritizing in 2024?
My physical health
My mental health
My oral health

Make a Mountain Out of Molehill

In my experience, folks who enjoy pushing their bodies via exercise are often driven by either competition or a powerful sense of satisfaction when they achieve something new.

COVID hit the reset button on your athletic achievements. At the moment, you might not be able to compete at your former level or with peers you rivaled before, but you do have a formidable foe—COVID and all its lingering symptoms.

To get back to your baseline, find the limits of your current strength and measure your progress against that new bar. Choose goals you can reach—just barely—and crush them until you’re ready for the next step.

For example, if you’re a marathon runner and now you’re struggling to jog a few miles, find the edge of your current endurance and set your sights on that. When you reach it, you’ll have a sense of accomplishment and greater confidence that you can do it again. Over time, you’ll be more likely to match or exceed your previous performance.

When you’re managing a chronic condition, molehills really are mountains, and when you get to the top, you’ll have good reason to flex your muscles.

Jump In Feet First

Before COVID, you probably didn’t have to make many allowances for your body, and when you were sick, I imagine you were quite clear on your limits. It’s easy to heed your body’s needs when you’re coughing or can’t get out of bed. But now you’re in a limbo of sorts, hoping and expecting to return to your energetic self at full blast. Your body is giving you clear direction about what it can and cannot do, and you can still jump in with both feet. The leaps might just need to be a little more measured at first.

You have the motivation. You’re tuned into what your body is telling you. You’re resilient by nature and know that exercise is medicine. I’m not sure I can imagine a better position to be in for recovery.

Find something that feels like a challenge and master it. Give it your all just like you would have before. You’re still the same person. In the past, you had to look for ways to challenge your body. This challenge didn’t come by choice, but you can still tackle it by jumping in feet first.

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“Hey, Health Coach” is for informational purposes only and should not substitute for professional psychological or medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified health provider with any questions about your personal situation, health or medical condition.

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